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Best practice for time dependent variables

I have a system that operates with real-time events. The user can interject custom events at a specified interval. The real-time engine uses java.time.Duration to time the events. The user is presented a menu via jsp that has a specification of the Duration in (whole) seconds. The event list is serialized as Long values. So I have three ways of

How to improve the Java Stream method?

I would like to improve the following Java Stream method and to understand better how does anyMatch in Stream work. In my example the get(blogContext.getBlogContextEnum().getTagName(), new String[0]) can have one or many tags. Will the anymatch iterate through each value that comes from the previous get? When showAllTopics && currentFilterTag.equals(“xxx:content/something”) evaluates to true it should check that blogTags contain the

How to parse this date/time in Java/Kotlin?

I have this NMEA timestamp: 120722202122 and I want to parse it. I tried Playground but I get an Exception: I don’t know what the Exception wants to tell me or what my pattern should look like. Answer I assume you’ve probably meant the day of the month d, not the day of the year D. In your pattern, you’ve

How to set a object’s field using another objects field in thymeleaf

I’m trying to set boxes’ elements copied from medicineBox’s values like below. Can anyone help me in this. I need to post medicineOrder model to the controller I’m using two object here – medicine and medicineOrder ——————> Controller method to get the page ——————> thymeleaf html page —————> Controller method to handle the post request —————-> Class MedicineOrder Not able

Java – getCardBackgroundColor – color for CardView

Can you help me with my code? I am changing the color of the item based on the information from the database, and now I wanted to transfer the color to the CardView, but I don’t know what the notation should look like, because this code tells me that the Color.RED write is wrong. Will you help me? Answer You

Removing backslash and newline character within one column

I’m getting text string html along with backslash and newline character. I can easily remove html tags using .replaceAll(“<[^>]*>”,””) but still and new line character still exists. So, again i tried to replaceAll(“\r\n|\r|\n”,””) but removing end of line characters. Input String: Expected output string: Answer it’s a strange request and i’d fix it in place where you are generating

REST. Checking the type of incoming field

how can I check the field type of the incoming response to the REST request. For example, I receive an answer with the “pay” field:”1000″ I want to check that the incoming field, its value is of type int What verification methods are there? Answer You can use Rest Assured Say you have this endpoint: that returns: Then your
