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Change the mouse cursor when shift key is pressed

I have a subclass PointPanel of JPanel, where I want to implement the following behavior: If the mouse hovers the instance and the shift key is pressed, the mouse cursor changes to the hand cursor; if the shift key is released, the mouse cursor changes back to the default cursor. In order to achieve this, I tried to add a

Get key and IV values using Bouncy castle

With the below code i am using to do get the parameters required for AES encryption: s_key is the file provided which contains the key that will be used to encrypt and decrypt How to segragate the Key and other parameters (IV and Salt) from ParametersWithIV and print to console?? Answer Passphrase and salt can be determined via the OpenSSLPBEParametersGenerator

Handle java.lang.NullPointerException in scala when accessing nested fields

I have a use case where Person.getSister().getname() gives java.lang.NullPointerException since Person.getSister() is java null What is the right way to do this in scala. I am able to achieve with below code. But looking for more scala way of doing it. Edit: I changed the code in the following way Answer Checking for null is the Java way to go.

Planets won’t render when using for-loop in libgdx

I am running an N-body simulation (testing with three planets at first) and it appears when I use a for-loop to do so, all of the planets don’t render and while debugging i found out they don’t even have an address. However, if I manually type in the movement of all three planets it works. Here’s my code: It leaves

Order between @ControllerAdvice and custom Aspect

tl;dr How can I define the order of custom aspects and the @ControllerAdvice? Detailed description I want to decorate various methods (like normal REST-Calls or a @JmsListener) with MDC information on controller-level. The idea is: I, as a developer, don’t have to think about the MDC data in my controller-methods. I want extra MDC-information (e.g. the userId) and I can
