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Why default maven uses such old versions of plugins?

I am new to Maven, and struggling to find out how does maven decide what version of a plugin (e.g. maven-compiler) to use when no version is defined in pom.xml. Using latest maven version 3.8.1. Created a hello-world java program and ran mvn compile. And it downloads following versions: maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) maven-compiler-plugin:3.1 was released in April 2013. Latest

OptaPlanner Multithreading: Can I retrieve internally resolved “moveThreadCount” for reproducibility?

OptaPlanner v8.0.0.Final I want to set my OptaPlanner engine configs’ moveThreadCounts to AUTO, but I need to be able to reproduce runs even if it means I must take the moveThreadCount value from the logs/stdout/whatever (that is the plan). I see the value is resolved in DefaultSolverFactory::buildSolver line 82: This value is then saved to a HeuristicConfigPolicy on line 90

Expose Map from guice private Module

I am trying to expose a map from private module similar to Expose Map in private guice module but getting an error Could not expose() java.util.Map annotated with, it must be explicitly bound. I have written this code: Also in another class where I am injecting it, it gives: No implementation for java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> was bound. Please check. thanks

Upload files to Microsoft Teams using API

I have an access token for Microsoft Graph. I have to upload file to the channels file tab. Can anyone help which endpoints I need to use for upload file to file tab I am calling below API: PUT: I am getting below response: { “error”: { “code”: “BadRequest”, “message”: “Entity only allows writes with a JSON Content-Type header.”,

Use public key fingerprint in Java Spring Boot application to solve “The authenticity of host ‘xxxx’ can’t be established”

I have a Java Spring Boot application which is using the spring-integration-sftp dependency to connect to an SFTP server. I get an error The authenticity of host ‘xxxx’ can’t be established and I know this can easily be rid of by setting the sftpSessionFactory.setAllowUnknownKeys(true), but that is not a good practice and I would rather not do that. I have

@PropertySource fails to autowire required class (Spring Boot 2.3.8.RELEASE)

I have the following class I plan on using to autowire an instance of a Spring class named AADAppRoleStatelessAuthenticationFilter: Although the default-integration.yml file is well placed under /resources (no ‘FileNotFoundException’ is thrown), it seems like during the application start-up, Spring, for whatever reason, is not able to read it’s content (or disregards it while trying to initialize aadAppRoleStatelessAuthenticationFilter). It throws

Converting POJO into map

I have a Java class having 10 attributes, I want to convert this into 3 maps(Breaking it into 5,3,2 fields resepectively). I did some research and found that Jackson’s ObjectMapper can be used by doing something like this: This will be creating a single map for all the attributes in my POJO. What I want is have this POJO converted
