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WARN: HHH90000028: Support for “ is deprecated hibernate log

This is the complete log message: WARN: HHH90000028: Support for <hibernate-mappings/> is deprecated [RESOURCE : resources/hibernate-configs/hibernate-mappings/mappings.hbm.xml]; migrate to orm.xml or mapping.xml, or enable hibernate.transform_hbm_xml.enabled for on the fly transformation I’ve tried to look for solutions on the internet. However, articles regarding this log message are scarce. I found this github page which is part of hibernate: This part of

@DeleteMapping endpoint not triggered at all

My webClient calls work fine with @GetMapping, but @DeleteMapping isn’t even triggered. Here are the two methods I’m using: The endpoints are: When I try to delete an item I get no errors, no 405, no 400, no 403, nothing. The webClient call returns normally (with a MonoIgnorePublisher object), but the endpoint seems to not be triggered at all (I

how to get different type of agent in Main in anylogic

Now I set two types of agents: Atype and Btype, and use the pedsource to let these two types of agents run between two target lines. I want to get an agent belonging to Atype, and another agent belonging to Btype, And then add some calculations. so I write this code: for(Atype p : get_Main().Atype) and for(Btype b : get_Main().Btype)

Java socket only use loopback

I have tried to connect my laptop to another laptop (on the same network, both using Windows 10) using java socket. Here is the client code : And the server code : But for some reason, even if I specify an ip address, the laptop only look for a host in loopack, not on the private network. Here is the

How do I execute a docker container

I created the images locally and created one repository in DockerHub called testName/backend. The docker images command shows the created images. And I would like to run the container with a command in the format docker run yourImage:version. So according to this (so I think I should call such a command: docker run 10fc47e065ff:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT However, I get this message: Unable

VB to java problems

I have VB code and want to convert it to Java for a mobile app, but I always get a different end result in Java and I don’t know where my mistake is, or what I’m doing wrong. VB Code: Result: h1qKTNN456AqTZUPPaft3Q== Java: Result: NDM5MjFmZjJiMjc1YjRlZTI0YmQ4NGI0YTQ2ZjQxMTI= Answer The .NET UnicodeEncoding class handles UTF-16: Represents a UTF-16 encoding of Unicode characters. But
