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How to deploy stack with docker-java client?

How to deploy stack with docker-java client? ex) docker stack deploy –compose-file docker-compose.yml stackdemo Is there any function to run this command in java client? Answer If you want to execute multiple commands I suggest you to write a shell script file and execute it from the java code. Another option if you want to only run 1 command you

How to collect data to List from Map using java Stream API?

I have map Map<Nominal, Integer> with objects and their counts: And I need to get such a List<Nominal> from it: How can I do this using the Stream API? Answer We can use Collections::nCopies to achieve the desired result: Ideone demo Remark In the demo, I changed the key-type of the Map from Nominal to Object since the definition of

spring boot boostrap bean override

In my spring.factories I have such a definition: In MyBootstrapConfiguration I have : Now in my test (junit-5 and @SpringBootTest), I would like to override this bean. Notice the @ConditionalOnMissingBean… If I can hook somehow to a “before” my bootstrap is started, to provide that ApiClient, that method apiClient would obviously not be called and I would be happy. Please

Is this the correct way to extract counts from a Concurrent Hash Map without missing some or double counting?

Working on something where I’m trying to count the number of times something is happening. Instead of spamming the database with millions of calls, I’m trying to sum the updates in-memory and then dumping the results into the database once per second (so like turning 10 +1s into a single +10) I’ve noticed some strange inconsistency with the counts (like

How to use methods in extended class and use them in main class

I am trying to create a method in an extended shape class and use it but it doesn’t work. Here is code what I am trying to do: This isn’t complete code, most of it is removed. I have searched over web and couldn’t find anything so came to ask the question. Any help please. Answer means that the variable

Split by regex vs multiple one char splits performance

I compared splitting string by regex and by multiple one char splits, using this benchmark and got these results Why splitting by regex is slower than splitting by multiple individual characters, even though they produce the same result? Note: I ran the code on JDK 14.0.2 I used JMH 1.28 Answer String.split implementation has the optimized fast path for splitting
