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How can I reference a view in the entity? (Spring Boot)

I have a question. Of course, I have previously looked on the Internet and searched for the solution. Unfortunately, I have not found a solution. I have a Spring Boot application that processes the information from customers. But this application should not point to a table as usual but to a view that requests information from two tables. How do

Avro schema file references in a Avro schema

I have nearly 100 avsc files and most of these avsc files refer to another asvc file usually as their type. To give an example Item.avsc in ./com/example/common ItemId.avsc in ./com/example/common Features.avsc in ./com/example/common When I want to parse the schema of Item.avsc it raises: I found a workaround to this problem by using a single instance of a parser

How to round a BigDecimal before the decimal?

I have a BigDecimal like this var a = new BigDecimal(“1234.56”) and I want to round it to commercially to two places before the decimal, so that I get something equivalent to var b = new BigDecimal(“1200.00”) so that (new BigDecimal(“1200.00”)).equals(b). My best approach currently is var b = new BigDecimal(a.setScale(-2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toPlainString()).setScale(2); but I’m unsure if this is the right

explain how JobLauncherApplicationRunner class works?

I was reading the source code of JobLauncherApplicationRunner. according to my understanding when we use Spring boot + Spring batch, this class is used to find all the jobs in the application context and use SimpleJobLauncher to execute jobs in startup. I found some cases that contradicts my previous knowledge and if you help me out I will be grateful

how to get size of list value of map by streams in java

I’m trying to group a list of strings by the length. and then I want to get count of each group. and I did the first one and I can’t do the next. how can I fix my code with streams? output: {4=[Brad, Jack], 6=[Juliet, Audrey], 7=[William], 8=[Leonardo], 9=[Alexander]} the next thing that I want to get is count of

JavaFX Circle Linear Gradient Fill by Percentage

I just want to make an indicator for customer how much he/she used his/hers data/sms/voice using two circles and linear-gradient, but some values are not behaving as wanted. How can I make them behave same as in the image on the left? This is the code I am using to create the gradient: Answer I think what you are looking

@Qualifier in Spring on top of classes

I’ve been playing around in Spring/Spring Boot and notice something strange which I can’t really dig on my own, so any help would be appreciated. Let’s say we have the following I am running a Spring Boot program, so everything is set up correctly, this is for simplicity. At this point, if we run our program we would get an

Java Code modularization, check if they are all null or not

Is there any clean way to check if they are all null or not for example getDescription(), getName(), getScript(), getTargets() and getTrigger() is null or not, checking in one line? Answer You can write a single condition with Optional: becomes: It’s harder to chain this to give the “if else” behaviour you have, though. It looks like what you’re trying
