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Does runnable run() create a thread everytime I call it?

I wrote a class which I use like as follows: My code is the following: My question is: Do I create a new thread every time I execute this if it’s instant i.e. the EventWrappers duration is zero? I obviously know that the creates a thread and execute it after the scheduled time but the is real time without a

How to iterate over StaxEventItemReader/itemreader?

Currently I want to access the objects inside StaxEventItemReader. This is done by using (xml-file has 50 objects/items), so that I can do something with these objects. The question is how you can correctly iterate over the items of StaxEventItemReader? Originally I had something like this: The problem is that read() “reads a piece of input data and advance

How to make multiple Spring HandlerInterceptors execute in a specific order

I’m currently working on a Spring boot project. I have a dependency on a library project that has an interceptor( and a public class LibraryProjectConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer and overrides the addInterceptors() method to add the LibraryProjectInterceptor to the InterceptorRegistry. In my actual project where I added this library project dependency, I have created an interceptor(ActualProjectInterceptor) that needs to be executed

Android Studio fragment becomes invisible by clicking on menu item

I’m working on a nutrition app. In this app at the bottom there is a menu with the menu items “Start”, “Gerichte” (Meals) and “Info”. When you click on the menu item “Gerichte” it opens a fragment which contains a menu at the top with the menu items “Hauptgerichte” (Main Dishes) and “Nebengerichte” (Side dishes). Depending on which menu item

What is the logic behind String [] args in java?

I understand its use,but when they designed java why they did not allow to main run without String [] args (If i, as a programmer, do not need the array)? there a logic behind the decision? Answer Effectively this question cannot be answered at all unless your name is James Gosling, and I don’t think he’s particularly active on SO.
