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Unicode normalization forms Explanation (Java)

I’m using Normalizer.normalize(url, Normalizer.Form.NFD) to avoid having characters like é in my url, and I do not understand the meaning of the Normalizer.Form consts (NFC, NFD, NFKC, and NFKD) or when to use each one. I consulted the documentation but this did not help at all. Does anyone have any idea on this topic? Thanks in advance! Answer D=Decomposed e

best way to store aes encrypted data

What is the best/secure/easy to implement way to (locally) store data which has been encrypted using AES encryption? There doesn’t seem to be a proper guide or standard way to store the data, but after looking at some projects that use AES encryption, these seem to be the formats that come most: XML Text files csv for csv – the

Process List with synchronous delay after flatMap?

Hey I just started to dive into reactive programming and I can’t figure out how to process a List<String> in a synchronous way after flatMap. What I am trying to achieve: Get domain list from external service Filter out existing domains in database Make another http request to external service to get domain info. These calls should be executed in

How to parse Java code in Python using ANTLRv4

I’m trying to parse some Java code in Python using ANTLRv4. I’ve tried to follow this post, but I get the following error: I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. The file I’m trying to parse is proper Java, it’s extracted from the docker-maven-plugin package. I’ve tried with other files, but I get the same error. Any idea ?

Why does the same bitwise calculation yield different results in Java and JavaScript?

Problem: I need to calculate a CRC16 for hex codes like this one: 08010000016B40D8EA30010000000000000000000000000000000105021503010101425E0F01F10000601A014E000000000000000001 For this, I have a working solution in JavaScript. Due to new requirements, I have to translate this code into Java. Expected result: For above hex string: 0000C7CF ( 51151 ). My approach: I have the following, working JavaScript code, which I am trying to translate

Unable to retrieve data from database through JDBC query

I trying to make a connection to my DDBB in order to print all the columns from a table but I keep getting Null. I have checked the connection parameters and everything seems correct. I’m thinking that maybe there is something wrong with my query statement: Answer I managed to solve the problem by adding the MySQL Connector to the

Returning a subset that has a duplicate

My question is how to detect the duplicate on one subset of array that does not exist in the other substring? For example Input: arr1 = 1,2,3 arr2 = 1,1 Output: Arr2 is not a subset of Arr1 So far everything else works fine and how I want it to but this duplicate one keeps returning that it is a

Java Substring based on condtion

I’m pretty new to Java and I would like to know if there is an effective way of creating a substring based on conditions. Currently I am reading from a txt file and changing that txt file to a String format using BufferedReader. I am receiving several txt files but they all have the same format. The data that I
