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Pass calculated values by inherited classes to main class

So in my main function I got a class named Figure Circle and Rectangle extend class Figure. Square extends class Rectangle. Now I have to print the values from created objects. I think I am approaching this in wrong way. How can I pass the values to the print function that have been created by other classes? Should I not

How to get indexes of char in the string

I want to find vowels positions in the string. How can I make shorter this code? I tried contains and indexOf method but couldn’t do it. Answer I assume you want to get m2rh5b7 from your input string Merhaba based on your code, then the below works fine, Or if you want just position of the vowels position only, the

sendKeys not working on textarea with area-label and getting element not interactable exception

Firstly apologies for such a bad title, kindly suggest a good title. Here are the details on my issue that I am facing: Website: Steps: Click on + button on top left Select images and upload any image update values in fields center, width and height Issue: Not able to interact with any of the text areas of center,

Selenium screenshot performance

I am processing animations taking place in a webpage in a video software. I am currently using Selenium 4 with Chrome and I’d like to achieve a better performance. I could not find a way to leverage the Page.startScreencast method via Selenium, so my current approach is simply taking periodic screenshots using Having looked at performance with VisualVM I can

Flat tree of objects while keeping father and child

I have a class Employee which has a tree structure with property team Using Java lambdas I need to flat this tree into same level list while converting Employee class into the following ConvertedEmployee while storing names in dedicated lead and subordinates properties. So ConvertedEmployee is in some sense a node which keeps parent and children. And I need to

JFR: OutOfMemoryError while reading .jfr file

I’m trying to analyze a large Flight Recorder file (1.5 GB) that I created previously. When executing the jfr print command, the tool runs into an OutOfMemoryError: Is there a way to increase the heap size (-Xmx) for the jfr tool itself? I haven’t found a corresponding option in the documentation. Any help is appreciated 🙂 Answer As suggested by
