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Trouble undestanding this piece of code from codeAcademy Java methods

Can someone please explain to me why in withdraw() it needs to add a return, but in deposit() it doesnt need it? Answer The return keyword means “give this value back to the caller”. withdraw() gives the caller back an int, deposit() gives the caller back nothing. Since deposit() doesn’t give any info back to the caller, it doesn’t return

Some Response headers not showing

These are the response headers I get when I try to fetch the headers But when I try to get all headers through my code it does not show the location header. Here is my code Can someone please tell me why the location header is missing Answer First of all try to get content, which you get from URLConnection,

Java alternative of javascript dynamically constructed object

I’ve been trying to build an object of some sort which allows dynamic key adding/removing, similar to javascript objects. I’m trying to do something like this in java(code below is javascript): I’ve tried doing: Although that definitely won’t work as “String cannot be converted to int”. Answer In Java, the Map interface provides similar functionality. One such implementation is HashMap.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to resolve the Configuration with the provided Issuer

I’m trying to make a working demo using Spring Boot as a Resource Server and Keycloak as an Authorization Server. Here is project code snippets: pom.xml I’m running Keycloak on the port 8083. Get request to the http://localhost:8083/realms/realm_1/.well-known/openid-configuration returns the following response: To get an access token, I send a post request to the http://localhost:8083/realms/realm_1/protocol/openid-connect/token with password

Java integer increases unintended

I have a function that takes String and a char[] type variables as parameter. String line is a line of ascii art and the char[] fileChars consists of the characters that are used in the string mentioned beforehand. Example of line: “@@@@@@@@@@—” Example of fileChars: [-, @] Algorithm works in the following manner: given a row of data, the algorithm

Is there a better way to write my if statement?

I have a function that checks if multiple conditions are fulfilled before performing an operation. The code below shows all conditions that must be fulfilled. This code works perfectly as is. However, is there a better way of writing my if statements? Something about the look of it just feels wrong, feels verbose. Answer Perhaps the question is specifically about

Where is the “jsp” taglib TLD?

In a special case, I need to make the same as <jsp:useBean in Java class. It sounds like using org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.cloneBean(Object bean) will do the work. But what is driving me crazy is that I can’t find the TLD associated to <jsp: tags, nor the class used by <jsp:useBean. Even <short-name>jsp</short-name> on Google gives me nothing. The JSP specs I found
