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Android date is incorrect

I am using Calendar class to get year, month and day: Today is 11 Dec 2021 (2021-12-11). But toast alert shows 2021-11-11. Also I tried to set calendar time to a new Date class but still wrong Answer tl;dr I am using Calendar class Don’t. Use only java.time classes. 2021 Details The Answer by Modi is correct. Furthermore, never use

How to consume infinite flux multiple times

This is what I’m trying to achieve: When somebody requests http://localhost/runIt, I would like to return data from cache that would be refreshed every 6 seconds. Below, I have a flux (always same one that is stored in map) that is first time instantiated and starts emitting numbers 0,1,2,3,4… to infinity. Is it possible to make this Spring MVC Controller

SSL for JMX with RMI

We have a Java application which has had a JConsole connection with password authentication for a while. In improving the security of this, we are trying to encrypt the connection made from JConsole to the application. Up until now, we have launched our application with the following launch command: With this, we can flawlessly access the JMX methods of MyApplication

java model mock response json

I am creating a Rest service which calls an external service. I have this problem: the external service I call responds in two ways depending on the case of Success or Failed. This is json: Well I created 3 simple classes: class XXX… private String result, status; …. getter & setter class Response… private String codiceCase, guidCase; … getter &

How to call a method and run it asynchronously?

Is there a way to run getUsers() asynchronously only from main() in Java 8? Running getUsers() on the main thread would take 300 seconds. I wish to make it in less than 180 seconds with 4 cores. Without modifying getUsers() (the objective), running the following is still taking 300 seconds: Answer You can divide your loop of users creation into

How to handle synchronous responses with Spring Cloud Data Flow

We are in the process of designing the migration of our monolithic Java application to microservices to meet various client requirements such as scalability, high availability, etc. The core function of our application is data processing, i.e. retrieve data from a source, put it through 0 or more transformations, and finally push the result to a destination. For this reason,

Specifying a null partition in a Kafka Producer

The Kafka ProducerRecord api has a few different constructors. I want to be able to specify the topic, timestamp, key and value; but not the partition. The closest option I can see is the following, …
