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Java – generate and rotate matrix

recently I’m trying to learn Java a bit and currently, I’m working on a simple program that should generate a matrix and then rotate it. I’m stuck at the first part. What exactly is the problem? The logic of my code seems to be fine, but anyway program is returning not what I would expect. The code: Output: Please, enter

peek and element in Java’s LinkedList

What is the difference between peek and element in Java’s LinkedList? Here is what the Oracle Java Documentation page describes them to be, but they do not explain the difference. public E peek() Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first element) of this list. Specified by: peek in interface Deque<E> Specified by: peek in interface Queue<E> Returns: the head

No runnable method in JUnit test Suites (Initialization error)

I am trying to implement JUnit TestSuites with my 3 Test Classes and run them at the same time. But when ever I run that test suite it gives me error as Initialization Error with “No runnable method found.” This is my test Suite class named as This is JUnitTesting_AddPatientPage.class This is my JUnitTesting_DentalCategoryPage.class This is my JUnitTesting_LoginPage After

How to realize this method only with Streams?

Method citiesNames() returns List<“String”>. The names of cities. Method “int getDistance(String srcCityName, String destCityName)” returns distance between srcCityName and srcCityName. PS: It is forbidden to use loops, iterators inside this class. Only streams and methods that accept predicates can be used. You cannot declare other fields in the class. This is my homework) Answer filter method returns a stream that

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: superclass access check class apache (in module x) that cannot access another apache class (in mod y)

I’m new to modularized java 16 projects as well as using the maven build system whilst trying to implement the program using IntelliJ, JAVAFX and APACHE POI-OOXML. For simplicity, I am implementing a button’s event handler that instantiates a class that is responsible for using Apache: ControllerCode The problem then happens here: line 24 of this code Here is the

Eclipse not able to see javax package

I’m currently trying to fiddle with images, specifically convert images from JPEG, WEBP, and BMP forms to PNG forms and my method uses the javax.imageio.ImageIO class. When I tried importing it, Eclipse yelled that the package that the type was not accessible. I thought that was weird and went digging through StackOverflow on my own and found multiple answers saying

Remove delay while pressing the second key LWJGL Java

I am running into a problem that I cannot find any solution for the moment even by searching on the internet. I am currently working on a 2D game and I want my player to go on every direction and diagonally. For that reason I need to get two inputs from the keyboard, thing that I could code but now

Cannot open index page in Thymeleaf, getting 404 in Intellij IDEA

I’ve created simple demo for Spring boot and Thymeleaf, but I cannot open index page. Controller code: Having index template in /src/main/resources/templates/index.html Having server.port=9095 And going to the address http://localhost:9095/ And getting error: Spring boot class is: and pom.xml contains spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf and spring-boot-starter-web. Answer As described in following answer, Intellij IDEA had outdated dependencies, so helped buttons Reload all
