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JavaFX how to trigger events on Geometries?

I’m writting an JavaFX application, where i use UTM32 coordinates for my geometries, i have a dynamic stroke width dependent on my zoom level. The issue is that i can’t trigger events when my stroke width is decreased at a certain factor. If you use Intellij you can start a new fx-project and copy following code to reproduce this behaviour:

Implementing a printAnimals method

I am trying to implement a printAnimals() method that prints the ArrayList for dogs or prints the ArrayList for monkeys, or prints all animals whose training status is “in service” and whose is Not reserved, depending on the input you enter in the menu. I am trying to correctly write a for loop for both ArrayList that contains if statements,

java_home is not read by hadoop

I installed java8 with brew install –cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8 but i think i messed things up, when i type echo $JAVA_HOME it gives /usr/bin/java when i type java -version it gives java version “1.8.0_311” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.311-b11, mixed mode) when i type /usr/libexec/java_home it gives /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home when i try to

CommandLineRunner overridden run() method not executing

The problem: overridden run() method from CommandLineRunner class is not being executed. Folder structure: Code: Main class: CommandLineRunner class: As it says in the println() method, this is not printing anything, only this startup logs: There are couple existing questions on this topic on Stackoverflow, but nothing helped. Does anyone have an idea what might be causing the problem? Thanks

Make order of responses match order of requests in Netty

Context I am writing a Netty application (Netty 4) in which the processing of each message might take some time. As an example of what I mean I have created an EchoHandler that responds with the original message, though sometimes after a short delay: Problem Using this code, the order of the responses is not guaranteed to be the same

Bundle is null when starting an activity from a listener using intent

The bundle is null when I use this code. The Logcat shows: I have this working in a similar module of another project and have been comparing them. The only notable difference is that the working MainActivity extends Activity, and this one extends AppCompatActivity. I looked at this, but code seems consistent as it does use a bundle.
