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Android copy text from edittext

I’m having some trouble whilst following a beginner android dev program. I build an Android App and I have created EditText and Button. My idea, users can put PhoneNumber in EditText, and if they click the Copy button, they can copy shortUrl with PhonNumber that inputed! So, I have create a String with Url. and if the users put the

Difference between getscaleinstance and scale? (swing java)

I saw a code that used getScaleInstance(x,x) to declare the scale. On the other hand, I also saw that some people used scale to declare the scale. What is the difference? For example: What is the difference between 1 and 2? Answer I have checked the docs for you and have found that: scale() – is a transformation of the

Downgrade from Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_292

Good morning, I have an application that works only with Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_292, however we are in the Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_312 version. How can I install it? Answer Go here: download package extract package try calling it direclty (/new/path/jdk8/bin/java -version). This should now differ from calling the default java (java -version) instead of

How to clear a JFrame?

I’m still a noob to Swing classes and I wanted to clear the screen after the user activates a button. I have used the following and it didn’t really do anything. Answer you should use it this way

Java9 modules : How to execute Provider based on some priority of execution?

I am using java 9 modules to implement provider , i have multiple providers for service interface. I want to provide some priority for providers for their execution insted of using findFirst(); I have service-interface modules as below , ServiceInterface.Java I have provider-module which has two implementation for service interface , Now , i have consumer-module

How do you stop a java method execution with a timer?

I am trying to stop a long running method after 10 seconds of execution, so far i followed the timer instructions on baeldung. When the method is a simple call to a thread sleep it works, but when I call my function with sub methods it doesn’t stop. My implementation looks like this: And the way I am calling
