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Callable Statement – PostgreSQL – Multiple Out Parameters

We have a stored procedure in a PostgreSQL DB that takes multiple input and multiple out parameters. The procedure call from the PG Admin client works fine when we do the following, call proc1(input1, input2, output1, output2) However, if we try to make this call through a JDBC CallableStatement, we get the below error, The PostgreSQL driver is “org.postgresql.Driver” The

ReactiveMongoRepository can’t save to database

I’m newbie with Java. I’m create an API with Webflux and ReactiveMongoRepository. I try to save my data from another API. My repository: My service implements: My services: My model: After function findByIdAccountsApiTrack() run I can’t find any document created in my database. I can see my variable accountApiTracking have data. But doesn’t work. What I’m missing? Answer In

For HashMap, is it more efficient to use compute() or put()

I have tried looking around for a while but I can’t find a concrete answer and still am having some trouble understanding exactly what the compute method for HashMap does. The way I understand it at the moment is that compute will allow you to manipulate the value but not set it to a new value (like where the garbage

Java – JTextArea refuses to print strings that are just whitespace [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed last year. Improve this question I have written a command terminal using Swing components. The snippets of code below
