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type=search_phase_execution_exception, reason=all shards failed when i send ‘/’

I’m using elasticSearch with RestHighLevelClient and Java. When I put query: QueryBuilder qb = new QueryStringQueryBuilder(“” + valueSearch.toLowerCase() + “”). Where valueSearch contain “/” -> example REC2/. The searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT) return me Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchStatusException: Elasticsearch exception [type=search_phase_execution_exception, reason=all shards failed]. However, when I send Rec2/2/3 or Rec// everything its ok. Version elastic: 7.3.0 Answer The query_string query

Thread-safety of int field in Java

If class has field with int type (not Atomic Integer and without volatile keyword) and all access to this field happens under read/write locks – will this field thread-safe in this case? Or in some moment some thread can see not real value of this field but something from cache? Answer Get answer from @pveentjer in comments under question: It

Upgrade Jackrabbit 2.1.6 to Jackrabbit 2.20.6

I need to update the jackrabbit version from 2.1.6 to 2.20.6, so I want to know the best way to do that. I saw that there is an option with importing/exporting data to XML ( ), but I’m not sure how to do that. So’ if you know how to perform a jackrabbit upgrade on this way, or some

how to pick set joinpoints in specific methods in AspectJ

I’m developing an Advice and I want to make it advise only on field sets in specific methods. I tried cflow(pointcutForSpecificMethod()) && set(* *) pointcut expression but it picks field sets in other methods under control flow of specific methods. Any idea? Answer This is not possible directly with an exact pointcut expression, but you can use if() pointcuts to

Android Room Relationship duplicating information

Having the weirdest issue here, all is working fine, except that my 1-to-M query is duplicating the data. Customer table Invoice table CustomerInvoice relation DAO If I debug my application, set a breakpoint to test the Room stuff, then use the ‘Evaluate’ feature in Android Studio, I do the following If I then retrieve the information using getAllCustInvoices() The list
