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Unexpected empty result using spring query method

I am building an application with a REST API using spring boot and JPA connected to a MySQL database. To search for names in the User class I have implemented a query method: List< User > findByFirstnameLike( String name ); This method only returns a result on an exact match, which is not what I wanted. Have I misunderstood something

Mapping SQL NUMERIC[10,0] to java type

I need to map NUMERIC[10,0] parameter type of a sybase stored procedure to a java type. What would be this type? Also, if you can help me define a regular expression for this NUMERIC[10,0] type I’ll be greatful. Answer Use Long as Integer is to short to map all possible values. Have a look at MAX_VALUE of both types.

Dagger 2: Injecting user inputted parameter into object

Say I have a class Util that takes in a object – an instance of class Validator. Since I want to avoid instantiating the Validator class within Util, I pass it in via a constructor: I have a module that provides the Validator instance: and an instance of the Util class: I have a component wired up that would give

Replace Unicode escapes with the corresponding character

I’m trying to convert code points, such as u00FC, to the character it represents. An example to explain what I mean: First Console line: Input: Hallu00F6 Second Console line: And Now: Hallö EDIT: Because sometimes it didn’t work with multiple Unicodes in The Trombone Willy’s answer, here is the Code fixed: Answer Joao’s answer is probably the simplest, but this

Using one text file to search through another text file in Java

I’m trying to search through a file (File B) for matching strings from another file (File A). If the string is found in File A, then print the entire line(s) from File B and also update its progress to its corresponding JProgressBar(s) as the lines are being read. The code below is working fine as expected, but the issue is

Can I run an android app on pc without emulator?

Suppose I wanted to build a PC application but instead of that I’d make an Android app which does not access mobile only APIs. Can I run something like that on my PC? Do that by like running dalvik vm on a pc and then running the app in that? Is there another way to run an app on PC

Android Multiline Toolbar Title

I have a Toolbar that when in landscape mode isn’t as wide as usual, but it has more height than usual and for that reason I want to set the title to be multiline (2 lines to be precise) when it is in landscape. I have tried some things where I put a TextView inside of the Toolbar, but when
