Whenever I run Spring boot app, I got following errors about EntityManagerFactory and SessionFactory which results in Spring error with current stack trace below: Classes: Main: Configuration class: How can I fix that? What is the problem with creating the beans? I cannot find any information about this problem Dependencies for Hibernate and Spring are below: Hibernate -> 5.4.1.Final Spring
Tag: spring
Can you set a dynamic value to @PreAuthorize in Spring?
Right now I use But I want the CREATE_USER_PRIVILEGE to come from a function(). Is this possible? Answer You could do something like this:
Android app client Mutual TLS with java server
I’m trying to send https requests to my server using mutual TLS. The server I got working successfully with TLS. But I can’t figure out how to do this on the client-side (Android app). I use spring on the java server. Requests from android app are made using HttpsUrlConnection(). I managed to be able to call HttpsUrlConnection() this how my
Debugging server-sent events stream from Spring in Chrome and Postman
According to the Spring documentation, when returning a Flux, Spring should emit a server-sent event for each element returned by the subscription. Here’s an exemplaric REST controller: Example response, using wget: When debugging the endpoint using Chrome or Postman, the clients seem to interpret the events as parts of a chunked response – not as a stream of events. I
What does timeout operator measure exactly for a Mono chain in Reactor and Webflux?
i’m using Spring Webflux and trying to understand the timeout concept for a chain of Monos. For example, there’s a chain of Mono calls: How is timeout going to be applied: 1) For the operations in general (sum time of operations) 2) For ech operation (each operation should take no longer than timeout) 3) Only for the last operation (nOperation)
How to create dynamic queues in rabbit mq using spring boot?
I need some help. I’m developing a spring boot application, and I want wo publish messages to a rabbitMQ. I want to send it to a queue, that is named in the message itself. This way i want to create queues dynamicly. I only found examples that use a “static” queue. I have reserched some things but didn’t find anything.
UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘repository.BookRepositoryTest’ in Junit Test
I am writing a junit test for spring data repository. But i can’t autowire repository interface. Program is running if i run main method and spring can detect all repositories,services,entities but if i run a test it gives this error : UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘repository.BookRepositoryTest’: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field ‘bookRepository’; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying
Spring AOP not getting invoked in spring boot 2.1.6 application
After following so many search results on google on this subject, my Aspect doesn’t work still on my spring boot application I am using spring boot version 2.1.6, which seem to have already spring aop, aspectjweaver and aspectjrt (stand to be corrected). i created an annotation, aspect component and use my annotation on a target class with no success. here
Serving a zip file generated in server and stored in memory
I need to generate a bunch of xml files with data from my java based web system, that represent a whole export of another system based in XML. Such system will accept this import later. My approach is to create all files in memory, then save each one as entries it to a zip also in memory, which later is
What is difference between build project in IntelliJ and gradle build?
What is difference build project in IntelliJ and gradle build? Has IntelliJ IDEA its own build system? In addition, What is difference run in IntelliJ and gradle bootRun? Answer Build project is IntelliJ’s own build-in build mechanism, it simply compiles all modified and dependent files in the project. However, it’s a “plain vanilla” build. It doesnt do fancy things like