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Tag: spring

Intellij – Spring Retry @Recover method marked as unused

When using Spring Retry @Recover method (which works ok) IntelliJ always marking method as unused and suggest to safe delete Method ‘recover(com.gth.common.exceptions.RetryableException, java.lang.String)’ is never used How can it be avoided? how can IntelliJ be aware of the recover method usage? I don’t want IntelliJ to stop warn about Unused declaration, only the false positive warnings Answer Method declarations looks

apache poi convert excel to json [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question ExcelToJson converter The method works correctly, but at the output it produces an array, which I then need to write to the database. This array

A better way to implement a large amount of cascading roles and authorities in Spring Security?

So i’m currently refactoring the backend code for my organization to prep for future upgrades. It currently runs fine, its just that the code is getting quite messy because of the sheer amount of roles and authorizations that exist in this org. So our backend stack here is a simple springboot Rest API, we use a third party Oauth authentication

BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on application start

This is the simplest program I can provide – I removed all the other classes actually just to see if it would still cause the same error. Basically I have 2 classes – Test and TestConf(a configuration class). In TestConf, I create a bean for Test and in Test’s main method, I load the configuration class and then pull from

Add prefix or suffix to the GET,PUT,POST,DELETE mappings in controller at method level using custom annotation – Spring REST Controller

I am trying to add a prefix or suffix in the controller at the method level on top of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE mappings. Controller class So, basically, the above request URL should be something like : http://localhost:8080/something/some/path/ Now, I just want to add some prefix or suffix whatever is feasible to the request URL which will be something like

Why the constructor is invoked?

I am new to Spring. Recently I encountered something weird, I was using @Autowired for Auto Injecting Name, Emotion in Person class(I have a different class for each Name, Emotion, Person). I encountered that the Person constructor was getting invoked even if I have not used @Autowired with it. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?. Is it
