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Tag: spring

Springboot property typemismatch

I have a common issue and none of all the other similar questions on the forum helped me sofar. Pls bear with me, im still learning. l have a Spring boot app. Unfortunately the first property that I declare doesn’t work due to type mismatch from String to int. The other works just fine. my looks like this: my

RejectedExecutionException in ScheduledFutureTask in Spring WebApp after ContextRefreshed

I’m using this code to Schedule a Task in my Java 8 Spring WebApp: In a @Controller; When the App starts, the Execute() method gets called 10 seconds after startup with no errors, but after it completes I get the following stack trace: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask@52518e6[Not completed, task = java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@759546c8[Wrapped task = com.mycompany.myproject.service.LoadService$1@4871ba3f]] rejected from java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@798daafa[Terminated, pool size = 0,

Spring Batch Wildcard ItemWriter

I have one dummy question. To explain my use-case, I have different type of DAOs; say Users, Beers… etc. I wanted to use one generic ItemWriter for all of them. I created a CommonComponentConfiguration where I defined; The writer class goes like this; So far everything is okay. Where things gets complicated is, I have seperate configuration classes for each

Spring cannot create UserService bean

Dao tier. I have abstract jpa dao interface, extended interface, and I added abstract implementation, from which I extend other real used implementations. These classes as follows: Service tier. Here I also have abstract service interface, one extended interface (UserService) and its abstract and real implementations: In my real project I got many extended interfaces from AbstractDao and AbstractServie. You

Is there a way to execute only some packages in SpringBoot?

I have a use case where I have a lot of services running in the same code base but they are in different packages. So, whenever I start SpringBoot all those services start. Is there a way I can specify SpringBoot to start the code in a particular package? Thanks in advance Answer you can use component scan annotation in

Spring Boot merge configuration properties

I’ve a use case where I need to bind configuration properties based on two prefixes, one of which is determined at runtime. Let’s say the constant prefix is foo and the runtime prefix is bar. Given a new instance of Java Bean class FooBar, the code should bind all environment variables FOO_, then overwrite with all environment variables BAR_. There’s

Spring Boot @Schedular not running after first execution

I have written this scheduled task in my SpringBoot app: This runs first time, but not subsequently. Answer It turned out that I was running another “heavy” scheduled task in the same application (it was initially created for testing my business logic and then I forgot to remove that). When I removed the other task, the issue got resolved. (It

Spring AOP @Pointcut and @Before yields IllegalArgumentException: error at ::0 formal unbound in pointcut

I am doing a springboot project that includes login and accounts. I am trying to @Pointcut all controller method calls and validate the login information, and @Before the pointcut to make sure the session exists. Hence the code: However, this yields org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘projectingArgumentResolverBeanPostProcessor’ defined in class path resource [org/springframework/data/web/config/ProjectingArgumentResolverRegistrar.class]: BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed;
