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Tag: spring

Unexpected empty result using spring query method

I am building an application with a REST API using spring boot and JPA connected to a MySQL database. To search for names in the User class I have implemented a query method: List< User > findByFirstnameLike( String name ); This method only returns a result on an exact match, which is not what I wanted. Have I misunderstood something

spring-boot – turn off console logging

Want to configure a spring-boot (1.3.5) application to send log-output only to a file — turn off the console. It looks very easy, according to the docs: howto-logging.html — section ยง 72.1.1 Configure logback for file only output But I just cannot get this to work — it still logs both to file and console, whatever I try. Been googling

Spring Security – multiple logged users

I have a problem with Spring Security configuration. When I log in on one computer as a user1 and then I will log in as a user2 on another computer, the first computer after refresh sees everything as a user2. In other words, it is impossible to have two sessions with different users at the same time. Configuration: Spring Security
