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Tag: spring

Spring Security – 405 Request Method ‘POST’ Not Supported

I have implemented Spring Security to my project, but I am getting status 405 when I try to log in. I have already added csrf token in the form. This is the error I am getting when I send username and password: HTTP Status 405 – Request method ‘POST’ not supported Spring version: 4.0.2.RELEASED Security Configuration: Controller: Almost every topic

What causes “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name ‘command’ available as request attribute”?

This is meant to be an extensive canonical question & answer post for these types of questions. I’m trying to write a Spring MVC web application where users can add movie names to an in-memory collection. It’s configured like so and There’s a single @Controller class in the com.example package WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp contains The application is configured with context path /Example.

How do I filter data in a restful way using Spring?

As the title says. I basically would love to do requests like Is there any ready spring way of achieving such? Something akin to the Page/Pageable mechanism would be great. If there is none I think I could implement it using Hibernate Criteria Queries & Argument Re-solvers. Basically allowing me to write my controllers like A custom Argument resolver would

Creating strict mock when using @MockBean of spring boot?

I use @MockBean of spring boot (with @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)) and everything was ok so far. However the mock provides default implementation for every method of the mocked class so I cannot check if only those methods were called that I expected to be called, i.e. I would like to create strict mock. Is that possible with @MockBean? I don’t insist on

ConfigurationProperties does not bind properties

I want to bind my into a class automatically by using @ConfigurationProperties annotation. First, I tried with @Value annotation and was able to inject property values into class variables. However, @ConfigurationProperties did not inject properties into values. my output: What is the wrong with this implementation? edit and solution: possible duplication: Spring Boot @ConfigurationProperties not retrieving

How to return a set of objects with Spring Boot?

I did a lesson about Spring Boot and it works perfectly. But what if I want to return a set of objects ? I tried doing this but it doesn’t work. How can I do it correctly ? With one object (it works): With many objects (it doesn’t work): Answer If you compare your original method to your newly made

Why does Spring MVC respond with a 404 and report “No mapping found for HTTP request with URI […] in DispatcherServlet”?

I’m writing a Spring MVC application deployed on Tomcat. See the following minimal, complete, and verifiable example Where SpringServletConfig is Finally, I have a @Controller in the package com.example.controllers My application’s context name is Example. When I send a request to the application responds with an HTTP Status 404 and logs the following I have a JSP resource at /WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp

Handle Security exceptions in Spring Boot Resource Server

How can I get my custom ResponseEntityExceptionHandler or OAuth2ExceptionRenderer to handle Exceptions raised by Spring security on a pure resource server? We implemented a so whenever there is an error on the resource server we want it to answer with The resource server uses the setting: to authenticate and authorize a request against our auth server. However any spring
