I have a POJO that will be reading the data from a Kafka Consumer. I have a couple of list objects inside it and I am not able to understand the Null behavior of it EmployeeEBO.java AssignedWorkEBO.java So I am trying to Check whether the data from kafka is Empty/Null condition for the AssignedWorkEBO and it behaves odd When the
Tag: spring-kafka
Use batch mode for dynamic listener
I am using a dynamic message listener. An example is shown below. I want to convert this to a batch listener (consume multiple messages at once). Is there a way to convert this, so that the listener consumes a list of consumer records? I am using spring-kafka with spring-boot. Thanks in advance Answer Implement BatchAcknowledgingConsumerAwareMessageListener instead.
Spring kstreams cannot get processor to work – The class ‘[B’ is not in the trusted packages
Full code: https://github.com/BenedictWHD/kstreams-example So I have a producer (data-ingest), processor (external-message-processor), and consumer (internal-message-processor (This will become a processor later once I get things working, so apologies for the naming at the moment, but it is a consumer)). The data-ingest works from what I can tell as it sends messages to the topic external_messages. The external-message-processor attempts to read from
Strategy to choose when doing Serialization and Deserialization using spring-kafka library
I need to Serialize or Deserialize any type of Java Object may be Integer/ String or <T> or User or Account in my project. There might be more than 1 type I am not sure which one to use while configuring a Kafka Producer and Consumer. There are JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer and StringSerializer/DESer and many more types. I have read
How can I specify the second parameter in ObjectMapper based on a variable in Java?
I have a use case where I am consuming from multiple topics and based on the topic I have to create an object from a String. I have around 25 topics leading to 25 kinds of objects. So, instead of using a bunch of if-else, I want to use a map where the key will be the topic name. So,
Spring Cloud Stream Kafka with Microservices and Docker-Compose Error
I wanted to see if I can connect Spring Cloud Stream Kafka with the help of docker-compose in Docker containers, but I’m stuck and I didn’t find a solution yet, please help me. I’m working from Spring Microservices In Action; I didn’t find any help by now. Docker-compose with Kafka and Zookeeper: Docker-Compose with my Spring services: App.properties for my
How to handle Kafka container lifecycle using spring kafka in Kubernetes multipod deployment
I am using Spring kafka implementation and I need to start and stop my kafka consumer through an REST API. For that i am using KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry endpointRegistry endpointRegistry.getListenerContainer(“consumer1”).stop(); endpointRegistry.getListenerContainer(“consumer1”).start(); We are deploying the microservice on kubernetes pod so there might be multiple deployments for the same microservice. how could i manage to start and stop the consumer on all the
Avro GenericRecord deserialization not working via SpringKafka
I’m trying to simplify my consumer as much as possible. The problem is, when looking at the records coming in my Kafka listener: List<GenericRecord> incomingRecords the values are just string values. I’ve tried turning specific reader to true and false. I’ve set the value deserializer as well. Am I missing something? This worked fine when I use a Java configuration
KafkaException: class is not an instance of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer
I want to implement Kafka producer which sends and receives Java Serialized Objects. I tried this: Producer: } Send object: Consumer: // Receive Object When I deploy the Producer I get error during deployment: Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: class org.engine.plugin.transactions.factory.SaleResponseFactory is not an instance of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer Custom object import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer; @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) public class SaleResponseFactory implements
How to use avro native decoder when using a PollableMessageSource input in spring cloud stream?
I’m using a PollableMessageSource input to read from a Kafka topic. Messages on that topic are in Avro. use-native-decoding was set to true when those messages were published. This is how I’m polling: pollableChannels is just an injected instance of this interface: After seeing that the TypeClassName is not being formed properly (it’s nested objects are set to null by