My situation is this: I am creating a marketplace where users can buy and sell products. I am trying to list a product with a ManyToOne relationship with the logged in user. I am getting the error: Field ‘user_id’ doesn’t have a default value. Im guessing this is because I haven’t set the user_id but I’m not sure how to.
Tag: spring-data
Springdata Elasticsearch Auditing LocalDateTime conversion exception
I am using Springdata elasticsearch version 4.4.3. I have configured ElasticSearch Auditing and created and Abstract Entity (Document) which is extended by every each entity. I am getting an exception because of convertion from Java LocalDateTime in elasticseach database when I try to create a document. Here is the Abstract class with date field annotated with @Field: Here is the
Spring boot “no transaction is in progress” with 2 datasources
I have two databases and i’m trying to save some records to both of them inside a service method. This gives me the error: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: no transaction is in progress; nested exception is javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress. Here is entities: And here is one of the config files for multiple db connection: And here is the other one:
How to automatically generate id in sequence in spring jpa?
I need to make a one-to-many sequence as follows: for example: category sub category 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 Data model: enter image description here Java code/Mapping: Category class SubCategory class With the code above, I’m getting the following result: category sub category 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 5
Spring implements to kinds of Repository interface
I’m trying to study Spring more specific Spring Data but i have a question about the use of interface Repository and its derivatives classes and i asking you help for clarify them. For example i see this code example extends CrudRepository but i see the using of extends keyword but no implements. why ? I thought that extends is for
Does JPQL support the use of a boolean result in another expression?
I am trying to write a query to back a search API. Specifically for a flag searchDrafts – if the flag is true I have to get rows with status DRAFT and else I have to get all rows that have any status other than DRAFT. In regular SQL, the below query works fine: However, a similar thing in JPQL
Spring Data Jpa Repository not saving entities to database
Im having some difficulties using jpa. Im not getting any exceptions, but I cant save anything to the database. I went from Hibernate to Jpa and everything worked perfectly there. Below are my Files Model: Repository: Service: I’m getting a 200 Response when submitting the form, but can’t find the data in the database Answer You are using a
Spring Data with Redis: How do I use a different LocalDateTime format or a different convertor?
I have data in my DB for field date with the following format: 2021-09-21 11:25:36. The Redis field is of type TEXT. When I’m trying to read the data from date field from the DB, I get following exception: How can I assign a different convertor to this field in my entity or annotate that my LocalDateTime format is different
Problem in updating the entity with unidirectional @ManyToOne relation
I have two entities as below and the main problem is when I want to update the AccountRequestStatus entity. I save the integer enum code of AccountRequestStatusEnum in the database to persist the AcountRequest status in the whole application. AccountRequestStatusEnum AccountRequest AccountRequestStatus The first time that an account request comes from MQ my to application, I save the initial code
MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline – Count no of records that are matching a complex criteria – (Couldn’t find PersistentEntity for type java.lang.Object!)
I have documents with dynamic fields and I would need to find a count of matching records for a given complex query criteria Example Entity Example Data: Expected Query Criteria: Building such complex Criteria using $match would be too much of implementation, so I was trying to use SPEL evolution through $project like below: However, the above logic failing due