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Tag: spring-boot

Changing colour of substring in Thymeleaf table cell not working

I am rewriting old legacy system written in PHP/HTML into Java/SpringBoot/Thymeleaf. In the old system, there is table displaying search result. In the column “Sentence” I call this function in order to highlight search keywords inside the sentence string. Example: seach keyword is “Macron” and the sentence queried from database is “Emmanuel Macron meets Angela Merkel on Friday to discuss

Return success from api as true or false om Spring REST API

I am pretty new to Springboot. How can I configure my Springboot API to return the JSON response below from my login or register endpoints?. How I can return true – successful response? And also for example if there is a code exception into code processing how can I return false as the success JSON response? What I have so

Backwards compatibility when changing Spring Boot externalized configuration

Is there a recommended way to introduce restructurings/renamings into an externalized configuration while keeping backwards compatibility for consumers still relying on the old configuration structure? For example, given a library used the following configuration structure defined via @ConfigurationProperties in the past: A new version of that library redefines the configuration to something like this: Is there a good way to

Ignore specify slash character in yaml config for spring boot admin application

I want to configure the service label myapp for the kubernetes discovery in my spring boot admin application. is a recommended label, so I think there should be a way to configure it for the service discovery. Unfortunately all special characters are removed in the yaml keys, which I notice in the configprops actuator. My questions: How can

NoSuchMethod in JOOQ 3.14 InsertQuery with Postgresql

I’m trying to use Jooq’s InsertQuery to insert a record into PostgresQL database, but I’m running into following error: The query class I’m using looks like this: The user database table looks like this. It has a unique key on the username column and a primary key on the id column. If I do this using ctx.insertInto… it works fine.

Error creating bean with name ‘liquibase’ in Spring Boot App

I have difficulties with adding Liquibase to my existing Spring Boot application. I added the necessary dependency in pom.xml. Then I have added an empty changelog-master.xml file Here is the code:”> But when I run the program I got an exception: Error creating bean with name ‘liquibase’ defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/liquibase/LiquibaseAutoConfiguration$LiquibaseConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested
