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Tag: spring-boot

Why do I get 404 Not Found in Spring Boot

My Spring Boot application sends data through REST API. I connects to many Google Cloud components: google pubsub, mqtt server and google SQL. Since I implemented PUBSUB and MQTT, whenever I send a request from Postman I receive My pom.xml configuration looks like this I also found that request is being served by backend to the point of return, so

How to upgrade spring framework version in spring boot

I am using spring-boot 2.3.3.RELEASE with the according spring-boot-starter-parent in maven. Due to the spring4shell CVE I wanted to upgrade the spring-framework to 5.2.20.RELEASE instead of the already included 5.2.8.RELEASE. I tried overriding the spring-framework.version property from spring-boot-dependencies. But it did not work. I also looked up the spring-boot-starter-web-2.3.3.RELEASE.pom and it has the spring-web dependency hardcoded to 5.2.8.RELEASE. Are there

When developing the back-end, do you want to believe that the front-end data will not go out of scope, and reduce some data verification

In the scenario where the front-end and back-end are separated and developed, what the back-end does is to receive the data transmitted by the front-end, perform corresponding processing, and finally return the processing result information. So, for the data sent by the front end (whether it is Get or Post), do we want to be sure that it will not

What “no code generation“ in Spring Boot means

Spring Boot doc states “Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration.” What is “code generation” in that context? Answer It states that Spring Boot doesn’t generate or edit code Spring Boot does not generate code or make edits to your files. Instead, when you start your application, Spring Boot dynamically wires up beans and settings and applies

@ConditionalOnClass for `javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException` not working

I have a Spring Boot library that adds autoconfiguration. I am already using @ConditionalOnClass successfully to only activate parts of the library if Spring Security is on the classpath for example. Currently, my library requires spring-boot-starter-validation as a dependency, and I would like to make this optional. I added @ConditionalOnClass like this: But when running in an application, I get

Unable to fetch Parent data from Child

I’m trying to see whether a Cab is assigned to any Employee so I can fetch that Employee Id and simply to set cab as null, but @OneToMany mapping, simply returning a list of Employees & by this I’m not getting any method like a cab.getEmp() to fetch employee details Controller Answer In your code, Cab is perent
