I’m trying to connect to a remote host trying over and over waiting for it to come up. However, after one shot with a Connection Refused exception (because the server isn’t running yet), it throws Socket closed exception continuously. Why would the socket be closed? The socket should simply be in the same state as it was before the failed
Tag: sockets
If a peer client disconnects from a server could we just ignore the socketexception at the server side?
I have a server which accepts input from client; it reads text input from client and processes it in some way(each new connection is assigned a thread also). However, whenever a client suddenly disconnects from the server I receive a socketException(connection reset) from the server where BufferedReader.readLine() is invoked. So basically this exception is an indicator that a client was
InputStream never gets EOF
Before anything, allow me to show you my client code: once connected to the actual socket, the client sends out some authentication data, but doesn’t recieve any data, now, it waits to recieve data from the server, and when it does, it processes it fine etc, except, when I stop the server (literally shutting down the program), nothing happens, when
Android Socket BufferedReader readLine() not working when reading from the InputStream
I am trying to loop code inside a thread in order to check for new data form the server periodically. I am using InputStream.available() in order to check if there are any bytes to be read. If so, I open a new Thread and try to read the data using BufferedReader and then log it to the console. In onCreate:
Java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused on Docker + Keycloak
I’m new to Docker and I’m having a hard time connecting Keycloak to my local MySQL database. Does anyone have a hint of what’s going on? This is my Dockerfile: The error log shows: Steps already taken: Disabled Firewall; Added bind-address: to my my.cnf file; root@% already has all privileges; Tries setting DB_ADDR and DB_VENDOR in all possible configurations;
Java Socket Read Input Twice
I have a situation with a Java Socket Input reader. I am trying to develop an URCAP for Universal Robots and for this I need to use JAVA. The situation is as follow: I connect to the Dashboard server through a socket on IP, and port 29999. After that the server send me a message “Connected: Universal Robots Dashboard
Android Studio Connect to Socket server
I have a server running in Java using Eclipse (Here the full code): As you can see, the client sends 2 values and receives 1, the first one is for the switch, which will indicate what to exceute, for now I just have on option (checking if email exists in the ddbb), the second value is the email as the
java.lang.ClassCastException exception using ObjectInputStream, when sending a class as an object
https://github.com/IshayKom/RCProject Classes As Shown in the eclipse package manager (I don’t really deal with github so I don’t know how to upload classes correctly) I got an error running my project. I use VMWare to work on my project but I don’t think that this specific error requires the use of multiple PCs or VMs. It basically should receive ClientInformation
Java client hangs if I open two clients at once
I’m trying to build a chat-like thing, and the idea is that whenever someone types, it gets sent and printed on every client connected. If I only open the server and one client, everything runs smoothly — whenever I send something from the client, it goes to the server and then it comes back and gets printed on the client.
Java: Start a socket server class with the port as an argument
So i have a load balancer and when a server is full of clients i want to create a new multithread server programmatically by passing the server port as an argument. This is how im trying to start a new server instance this is my server my question is how to start this server with the giver port argument? is