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Tag: selenium-webdriver

Selenium Edge WebDriver (Chromium) – session not created: No matching capabilities found

I’m trying to run a Selenium test with Java and Edge driver (based on Chromium). The version of my Edge Dev installed on Windows 10 is 83.0.478.37 (Official build dev 64-bit): Selenium Version : 3.141.59 I’m using webdrivermanager setup for this and used the example provided here. I tried many options it includes without using webdriver manager but still gives

Is it a bug in Selenium documentation?

Here is the snippet from the new Selenium doc on Waits: When I paste this code, it gives me an error on the Duration: The constructor WebDriverWait(WebDriver, Duration) is undefined It still works with the following syntax: Is it the documentation bug? Answer As I wrote in the original question, the code above still works. I guess, as @Fenio assumed,

React.js How to define a custom id, rather than showing react-select-1–value in html

How do I change the React.js application to stop randomly allocating inputIds, so that Selenium will work consistently? I’m working with Selenium and a React.js application. The application is constantly under development. I have a Selenium method working to randomly select the react dropdowns using a single, reusable method, but the ids of the react dropdowns keep changing for some

isEnabled() method always returns true

I want to get the list of Strings for which the check boxes are enabled. But when i use isEnabled(), it always return true even for the disabled check boxes. And in output i get the list of all Strings present in that field. Below is the code which i have written for it:- HTML code is as below:- For
