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Tag: selenium-webdriver

Can’t run testng.xml in Cucumber-Maven(TestNG)

In eclipse IDE, I have created a basic cucumber framework by using Maven project. I have added all the dependencies required in pom.xml.For TestNG plugin added below dependencies. But ‘TestNG Suite’ option was not coming in preferences,so installed TestNG through Help->Install New Software. Framework is having feature file(scenario is described),stepdefinitions(code/logic given) and runner class(To map feature with stepdefinitions file and

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/lang/Object;)

I develop the selenium code that: I’m getting the error that is: I’m trying to solve this issue according to This Solution by upgrading guava-21.0. But I’m still getting this error. could anyone give a solution to solve it? Answer This error message… …implies that the JVM was unable to initiate/spawn your program. As @GhostCat pointed your main issue is

Selenium returning the hidden element as visible, clickable and enabled when element is hidden & not clickable

I want to open the filters only if they are not already open. For that, I’m checking if “Apply Filter” button is visible/clickable. To my surprise, I’m getting the element as visible/clickable even though it is not. Button code mentioned below, Method trying to check if element is clickable XPath of the button: xpath = “//button[@id=’filterButton’ and text()[contains(.,’Filter’)]] Answer Though

Java Selenium get JSON response body

I using Java with Selenium webdriver and I wondering is it possible to get JSON body response? I asking because it is possible to get JSON request body using this code: but I can’t get body from response but response exist also in this log. Is any way to get response body? Answer Edit-2 Because of a open issue with

Using Selenium how to get network request [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 6 months ago. This post was edited and submitted for review 19 days ago. Improve this question

How to handle authentication popup in Chrome with Selenium WebDriver using Java

I am trying to handle an authentication pop-up in one of my new Webdriver scripts. I have a working solution for IE, but I am struggling with Chrome. IE was as simple as following the advice on [this page]:How to handle authentication popup with Selenium WebDriver using Java. That thread doesn’t show a great solution for Chrome, although several commentors
