I am using getting the below line of error : My Pom : Any help regarding this ? Answer Check mvn dependency:tree. All your Scala libs will be suffixed with the major Scala version: All of them need to be the same major version otherwise you’ll get binary incompatible libs at runtime. Your maven pom should have all Scala libs
Tag: scala
A parquet file of a dataset having a String field containing leading zeroes returns that field without leading zeroes, if it is paritionned by it
I have a Dataset gathering informations about French cities, and the field that is troubling me is the department one (CodeDepartement). When the Dataset isn’t partitioned by this String field codeDepartement: everything is working well When that function runs, if I don’t attempt to partition the dataset (the required statements for partitioning are commented here), everything goes fine: The content
Java cannot find symbol for imported scala class
I received a Scala jar and need to write a java program to use a method. The imported Scala method definitely works because it has been in production for years. here is the program: Decompiled Scala code: Here are observations: Error message: cannot find symbol constructor VerifyApp() location: class com.company.VerifyApp Just a note that this location is correct VerifyApp, from
Why should I use jdk1.8.0 instead of jdk-17?
I am studying Scala, with IntelliJ IDEA. Project SDK was always jdk-17, everything was OK, until now. I began practicing in actors (Akka in action using Scala). Problems (like scalac: Error: Error compiling the sbt component ‘compiler-interface-2.11.8-61.0’) started compiling book examples. The advise was to use jdk1.8.0, and it helped. I don’t understand why should I use jdk1.8.0 instead of
Unable to connect to a database using JDBC within Spark with Scala
I’m trying to read data from JDBC in Spark Scala. Below is the code written in Databricks. I’m getting the following error message: Could someone please let me know how to resolve this issue. Answer The certificate used by your host is not trusted by java. Solution 1 (Easy, not recommended) Disabled certificate checking and always trust the certificate provided
How to change keys from a map in scala
How to change the following keys from the map without any variables full functional to I tried with map and was able to change the keys to the same strings but not to different ones. Answer You can apply a map to all the items but focus only on the keys: You can define f to be a function or
CORS issue / akka-http-cors / No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource in Scala/Java
How do I implement akka-http-cors correctly to be able to allow access from any origin (domain, in my case localhost:3000) to a Https Server (Scala/Akka)? Based on the akka-http-cors documentation should defaultSettings do the job, but I am still doing something wrong: Google Chrome Error: Firefox Error: akka-http-core: https://github.com/lomigmegard/akka-http-cors#configuration Any help is highly appreciated! Answer The problem in my case
How to use Array Spilling with Apache POI 5.1.0
Using Apache POI to generate excel files, is it possible to prevent Excel from adding the implicit intersection operator (@) inside formulas ? For instance, using the following code, what I want to do is copy all the values inside the columns from A to K, using Excel Array Spilling behaviour. However, when opening the file using Excel Desktop (version
Symbol ‘type scala.package.Serializable’ is missing from the classpath
my classpath is missing serializable and cloneable classes.. i am not sure how to fix this. i have a sbt application which looks like this when i do a sbt build i am getting.. my dependency tree only shows jars, but this seems to be a class/package conflict or missing.. Answer You’re using an incompatible Scala version (2.13.6). From the
Accessing GRIB data using GRIB2Tools causes IndexOutOfBoundException
I’m manipulating GRIB2 forecast files and I’m having trouble using the GRIB2Tools library. I have an Array[Byte] representing the content of a GRIB2 dataset. Because I want to be able to get value at specific location, I wrote this variable’s content to a file which I’m then loading as an InputStream to use it with the getValueAtLocation(id, lat, long) and/or