I am getting this warning on resolveActivity line while using implicit intents and I am unable to open any website because of that. Answer Get rid of resolveActivity(). Just call startActivity(), but do so in a try/catch, so you can catch the ActivityNotFoundException if there is no Web browser available.
Tag: runtime-error
I am getting an runtime error (Null Pointer Exception) while using ListView in Android Studio
I am making a Task Manager app using ListView to Show all the tasks.But I am getting this error what I think the error is that, I am sending wrong context in my custom adapter in MainActivity.java file My custom Adapter is My Xml file for activity Main is My custom layout file is My Data class is I am
Eclipse JDT core Java runtime error – java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
I could not find any helping document regarding this error hence I am posting this question. I am trying to use locally built Eclipse JDT core jar in my project. I followed the flowing steps. Created an eclipse workspace as described in Link Built eclipse.jdt.core using the mvn -P build-individual-bundles package Added the resulting jar file that is created in
My JPanel doesn’t show after adding the paint method
I recently created my first board for my first board game and draw the board multiple ways on my JPanel.I finally decided to use Label, but since I needed to add pictures to that label, I had to change it into JLabel.The syntax is correct, but the Jlabels do not show. I tried cleaning my paint method and It started
Unexpected runtime error placement in simple Java code
I generated the following code for a multiple choice question on an exam: The output I expected was: The output I received was very close to that, but out of order: It did get that last true value, but it got it after the exception began. And while, on some level I suppose this is a silly question (because the
How do I put something on an FX thread?
I’m new to JavaFX (trying to move from Swing), and am trying to make a very basic window first. However, I keep getting the following runtime exception: However, looking at the JFXPanel source code, the constructor calls its initFX() method, which initializes the FX application thread. Why, then, am I getting this error, and how do I fix it? Answer
What causes java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError?
I’m packaging a Java library as a JAR, and it’s throwing many java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeErrors when I try to invoke methods from it. These errors seem to appear at random. What kinds of problems could be causing this error? Answer This means that you have made some incompatible binary changes to the library without recompiling the client code. Java Language Specification §13