i use Rest Template to consume a rest web service, However i always get 500 although when I test with postman i get 200 Here is Rest template code : Postman response : RestTemplate Error : Answer Try passing the array in one parameter rsargs[] and not in two as you do.
Tag: rest
Why can’t Postman find my Spring REST API?
I created a very basic Spring Boot project with REST APIs. I tried connecting it to my Angular app but it was getting some CORS security error so I switched to Postman. I’m trying to test it using Postman but I keep receiving a 404 not found error on Postman. Why am I not able to connect to my backend
Should I use GET or PATCH for requesting info while also updating the resource [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I am making a Blackjack service in Java using Spring, and i have methods for game moves like Hit, Stand, etc.
Zipping CSV file using Java produces zip file with lesser bytes
I’ve a simple Java code which creates a ZIP file using one CSV file. The code is working fine and produces the zip file just right. But, the zip file size(bytes) are different that the one I create using Windows zipping tool or something like 7zip. I need to know if there is any Java library which can create zip
How to customize the internal server error message (error code : 500)
Consider a scenario where I want to create a record in database with the already existing ID. By doing this, we get “500-internal server error”. But I want to customize the message returned to “Id already exist, Cannot create record”. Below is the my sample existing code: Controller class : Service class : Postman Output : As in the above
Jersey Client download ZIP file and unpack efficiently
So, I have a server application that returns ZIP files and I’m working with huge files (>=5GB). I am then using the jersey client to do a GET request from this application after which I want to basically extract the ZIP and save it as a folder. This is the client configuration: And here’s the code fetching the response from
Rest assured test failed with error “at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach”
Every time I want to run my test it returns me an error in line that contains RestAssured.given() I tried different code examples from every where and every time it returns the same error in the same line that contains RestAssured.given() this is my code and this is the error returned Answer You’re probably using an older version of rest-assured
Spring security application giving No AuthenticationProvider found for org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
I am new to spring boot. I am trying to implement a simple spring boot security with userdetailsservice in Spring Tool Suite(STS). Below is the controller I used: And the Web security configuration code: I gave all the required dependencies in pom.xml. So, I have added below line in application.propperties file, and now system is not generating security password. And
Can not insert null object on One to One relation Spring boot | nested exception is .PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist
This is the relation And postman Object Data I can not insert null value .If I give the AllOrgMstOrganizationId then no problem.But when I give it Null Then Error::org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: detached entity passed to persist: com.hrms.entity.com.AllOrgMst; nested exception is org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: com.hrms.entity.com.AllOrgMst Answer Simple Solutions
How to return a ManyToOne Bidirectional JPA Entity Object in response of a Spring RestController?
I have 2 entities User and Authority having bidirectional Many-To-One relationship b/w them. But when I send the User object as a response from the RestController, I get nested objects ie. User{Authority{User{Authority{User{Authority{..}}}}}} How can I achieve that the controller must return only? User{Authority{}} Below is my User entity class :- Below is the snippet from my browser: Answer in Authorities