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Tag: queue

How to implement a synchronous job queue in Spring?

I’m trying to find out how to implement a job queue using Spring. I’ve got a server up and running that I plan to have users submit POST requests to. This will take in some data and will then queue jobs to process this data. The processing of this data is an expensive process that can sometimes take 5 to

Is there any other reason why NULL is not allowed in ArrayDeque besides “null is used as a special return value”? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Before you try to find duplicate question or downvotes, please let me explain 🙂 I think I read most of stackoverflow

Re-creating a queue afters its manually deleted RabbitMQ

Is it possible to automatically re-create a queue afters it has been manually removed? I’m able to create the queue on start up using However, if it’s manually removed from rabbitmq, I want to be able to create a queue with the same name automatically. Today if I remove it, I will keep throwing exceptions like Answer Yes, you can

How to take items from queue in chunks?

I have mulitple producer threads that add objects to a shared queue concurrently. I want to create a singlethread consumer that reads from that shared queue for further data processing (database batch insert). Problem: I want to only take the data from the queue in chunks for better performance during batch insert. Thus I somehow have to detect how many
