I have a query that I want to translate to Criteria API. A query After java processes it (native sql query) the final query looks like this My Question is how to translate = ANY(?1) part to Criteria API? I see that any() definition is How to put array of values to it? I’m using PostgreSQL Answer You will need
Tag: postgresql
The connection attempt failed when try connect PostgreSQL via SSH tunnel. I using Java with jsch lib
I’m facing an issue when I try to connect to PostgreSQL Database after connected SSH successfully. I’m using Java + JSCH library to help connect to DB PostgreSQL via SSH tunnel. Please help to take a look on my code: An exception is thrown at following step: Here is result: I used value above to connect PostgreSQL manually, using pgAdmin4,
How to create a rectangle for azimuth direction for n kilimeter
Suppose I have three four columns like item,item_latitude,item_longitude and azimuth. I am trying to create a rectangle for each lat and long in the azimuth direction for +/-35 degree and 2 Kilometer. Example . There is a azimuth of site x is 45 degree so +35 and -35 degree to 45 degree would be 15 degree and 80 degree and
Jooq forced type not being applied to column
I’m trying to use jOOQ with a postgres db featuring tsvectors. I added this to my configuration file : I’m trying to apply it to the ts_message_text column : But I get : Answer There should be an additional log message further up: It seems this message isn’t getting printed in jOOQ 3.15.3 in your particular case, though… Seems to
PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = character varying
I am trying to do a LEFT JOIN FETCH to load a lazy loaded some data, but I am getting the following error. I have searched everywhere online to see what I am doing incorrectly, but I don’t see what I am doing differently (other than my id not being a primitive type). Here is what I have Key Repo
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException While running Junit testcase in sprintboot
Have developed a springboot project and Using H2 database in writing testcases, if we run individual controllerTest class , All testcases are passing. but we run all the test classes together few test classes are failing with below error: Using following annotations for each controllertest class: H2 database configs used in application-test.properties file are: Answer The problem seems to be
findAll not fetching OnetoMany fields values in Spring JPA
I am working on a Spring Boot app and I am using a OneToMany annotation to have nested object list inside my another entity object. But while fetching the data that I posted using JPA,while using findAll the OneToMany field is getting returned null. I am able to post the data and its sucessfully creating the tables in an organised
Connecting Spring boot application with postgresql problem with properties
I wanted to connect my application from spring boot with postgresql running in docker I am doing everything according to this tutorial – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fbfHu8isI4&t=1452s , but I keep getting the same error: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with ‘debug’ enabled. 2021-08-02 16:18:56.400 ERROR 4169 — [ main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter : APPLICATION FAILED TO START Description:
Validating credentials using JDBC against PostgreSQL
So I’ve been trying to get my credentials to be validated when I log in to my server. This is the simple set of data I am trying to validate. (456789, ‘Dave123’, ‘password’, ‘Dave’, ‘Davidson’, ‘dave@dadavid’, 2), (123456, ‘John456’, ‘123456’, ‘John’, ‘Johnson’, ‘john@jojohn’, 1), (456878, ‘Kate789’, ‘abcdef’, ‘Kate’, ‘Kateson’, ‘kate@kitkat’, 1) So when it finishes validating, if the username and
How to check if timestamp between two timestamps postgres?
I am working on a spring api where I am using postgres and saving a field of type timestamp with field name as created_date. Now I want to check whether this field is between two different timestamps. Right now I am using this: Is there a way I can use BETWEEN here for this operation? Answer You can do it