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Tag: opencv

How to set color effect on document(image) using OpenCV(java)

currently, I’m working on a document scanner project who captures and filter document with different effects and color but I’m a beginner to work with OpenCV. but, now I understand how medianBlurFilter , gaussianBlurFilter , cannyFilter and bilateralFilter works. just I am starting to do this type of filter with the use of OpenCV but I can’t understand how to

denoise_TVL1 Sizes of input arguments do not match

I am trying to implement total variation algorithm on a grayscale video. As far as I understand this method(denoise_TVL1) is using that algorithm. But I get “Sizes of input arguments do not match” CvException. Could you help me to understand what the problem is? I have this list as class instance: Exact output: Exception in thread “JavaFX Application Thread” CvException

Shift image in OpenCV

I want to shift an image upward of 10 pixels without changing the size of the image. I know there was a very similar question about this but there is no information on the web on how to do it using Java. OpenCV Documentation also doesn’t say anything about this. Original image: Shifted image should look like this: I tried

Camera VIew OpenCV in Android Cannot FIt

I have a problem with cameraview opencv on android, on android device type samsung camera view doesn’t fit there is a black cut like picture 1 while on android device type xiaomi and realme it’s safe like picture 2. I took the middle resolution from supportPreviewSize and set the maxFrameSize to a ratio of 1:1, how can the camera view

streaming from Java OpenCV through RTMP

I have a JavaFX Application that uses OpenCV to get the frames from the camera. I would like to send this stream to nginx-rtmp. I must be missing something (or the whole loginc of RTMP) but I can’t seem to find a simple way to make the stream I already tested the nginx-rtmp with OBS Studio, and I have the

How to use OpenCV 4.4.0 (with contrib modules) in Java on Windows?

I’ve compiled OpenCV 4.4.0 from source on Windows 64 bit along with java bindings and I’m trying to compile a basic test, however I’m running into unexpected errors. Here’s how I’ve setup an eclipse project: and this how the jar references the native libraries: And this is the basic test snippet: which throws this exception: I’ve tried hardcoding the absolute

android studio ‘javah’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

Following this tutorial to use Opencv Face Detection. At 4:00 he wrote on terminal: C:UserscvlabDesktopMyApplicationappsrcmain>javah -d jni -classpath ../../build/intermediate/classes/debug com.example.cvlab.myapplication.OpencvClass I’m trying to wrote the same path on my code but I’m running into this error: ‘javah’ is not recognized as an internal or external command Some of questions which the same already in stackoverflow , but it will not

List of array in Android

I am creating OMR scanner in java. I have List of which contains contours from image. i want to create array of List. how can i accomplish it? this is what i have right now What i want to do is so that i can store array of countours() for each question. Like [1] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 [2] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 [3] contour1,contour2,contour3,contour4,contour5 ………………………….

How to check if contours are the same?

I’ve got two images, the second one is the first one after modification. I find contours of two images and then check if there any same contours. The problem is, that despite contours being the same (drawing contours of one image and another one gives totally same results) after checking that it never becomes true that one contour is equal
