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Tag: opencv

Getting Mats from frames in a gif using OpenCV and Java

I am trying to get frames from a gif using OpenCV. I found Convert each animated GIF frame to a separate BufferedImage and used the second suggestion. I modified it slightly to return an array of Mats instead of BufferedImages. I tried two methods to get bufferedImages from the gif. Each presented different problems. With the previous thread’s suggestion The

Why and how apply thresholding to get better matched features

in the below code, i am doing descriptor matching using BRUTFORCE algorithm. i read som tutorial but they were writtin in C++, and i found that, always after the matching process, the resultant MatOfDMatch object from should be converted to DMatch objectas follows and the dMtchList should be sorted Ascendingly, and then a thresholing should be applied and then convert

Solving native open cv code error in for developing panorama on android

I am trying to develop an android application for generating panoramic images usig feature of image stitching in Open CV. I have used the code give on the site given below. There is an error shown in the log cat shown below. Please guide me how to solve the error. This is the screenshot of the native.cpp file where
