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Tag: oop

How to show that a Catch block for the Parent-exception will handle subclasses as well

I have met this problem. I have created a class CatHandler, with 3 inner classes (ExceptionAlpha extends Exception, ExceptionBeta extends ExceptionAlpha, ExceptionGammer extends ExceptionBeta). These three exception subclasses are empty; they contain no code. All code should be written in CatHandler. Now the question is to write some code in CatHandler to show that ExceptionBeta and ExceptionGammer will be caught

Abstract Classes & Methods In Java

I am working on a Java exercise where a parent class is abstract, and the subclasses override the isSimilar method. This method should take a device parameter. In the Server subclass, this method should compare the Brand, Operating System, and Available Services. In the NetworkDevice subclass, this method should compare the Brand, Number of Ports, and Power Over Ethernet. The

Avoiding circular depenency between Arena and Portal

I’m trying to resolve this ciruclar dependency while preferebly keeping both objects immutable. Basically, I need portal to be able to activate itself, and start the arena. Opposite, I need Arena to reset & close itself, and the portal. I found a solution by having two HashMap’s <Arena, Portal> and <Portal, Arena>, however I want to figure out if it’s

Java: reading objects from file into different derived classes

I have class Employee, and two derived classes Hourly and Salary. Instantiations of those derived classes are placed in the same Array List called employeeList. When I read these objects from file using ois.readObject() how can I ensure the data ends up in the appropriate derived class? Thank you! Answer Note: I am not familiar with ObjectInputStream, so I am
