I am trying to analyze my code with radar-netbeans 2.4 plug-in on my 8.0.2 NetBeans IDE, at first my sonar-runner wasn’t even executing, but after I read this post: “Netbeans Radar Plugin Configuration”, I was able to get my sonar-runner to execute until I got this exception: Is there something I can do to fix this exception? Keepin mind that
Tag: netbeans
netbeans Run error :Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1
I’m very new to net-beans 8.0.2 and want to run java example but theres error below after Run: and this is the pom.xml : am i need to install something? any help appreciated. -thanks edit: turn off net-beans and turn on anaconda solved the problem. Answer That error message will be displayed whenever it fails to run for any reason.
Connect 4 check for a win algorithm
I know there is a lot of of questions regarding connect 4 check for a win. The issue is that most of other algorithms make my program have runtime errors, because they try to access an index outside of my array. My algorithm is like this: count is the variable that checks for a win if count is equal or
How to generate test-output folder from testng tests?
How to generate the test-output folder for a testNG test? I am trying to get the default testng report, index.html Netbeans7/windows7 I made a simple testng test case, ran it in netbeans 7, and here is the result. I see no test-output. I am displaying the project and file structure. If I need to do something with ant or maven,
Change Color of JTable Row Based on the Value of the Database
}; This is my New Codes im trying to get the value of column 4 and equal it to single if its true the background is change. but this is not working Answer Overriding the prepareRender(…) method of the JTable allows your to customize rendering for the entire row based on a value in one of the columns. The basic
NetBeans, why do some projects appear as coffee-cups and others as folders?
I’m working in NetBeans 6.8 and I want to add projects that I had previously deleted from NetBeans workspace but not from my computer. Some appear as coffee-cups and can be opened fine but others appear as folders and cannot be opened. How can I open these projects (see image). Answer The Delete action on a project states “This will
Setting SDK Location in Netbeans
I’m having some trouble setting the Android SDK Location in Netbeans. I have installed the SDK and even run a virtual device in it, but for some reason Netbeans is not recognizing the SDK. Here is the location of my SDK: And when I have this entered in Netbeans: The ‘OK’ or ‘Apply’ buttons still aren’t clickable. Is there something
How can I see the output console result in Netbeans?
I am a beginner studying Java using NetBeans. I created my first class and some simple code: Why don’t I see any result when I click run? I am supposed to see hello world but nothing like this is shown. Only a message BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds) Unfortunately, I can’t post images yet to better present the problem
Runtime.getRuntime().exec could not execute/show Tabtip.exe
I’ve set this OnClick method in JavaFX SceneBuilder on a text field that will pop up the Windows 8 touch keyboard if the user select the textfield. However it seems to be nothing happen when I click on the textfield but when I try to check Tabtip.exe in the task manager, it did shown up there. The codes are: There
Error Parsing File JSP or JAVA in Netbeans 7.3.1
I migrated my project from Net beans 6.9.1 to Net Beans 7.3.1 and faced this annoying error a red exclamation icon on a random file jsp or java . I opened them and did not find any error. I tried some suggestions after searching Google to disable html and jsp validation with no luck , another suggestion was to delete