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Tag: maven

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/el/ELManager

I’m working on a webapp in Spring using Spring Tool Suite. If I build and deploy the application there using the IDE onto the provided Pivotal tc Server, it works just fine. However, if I do a manual “mvn clean package” build and attempt to deploy it to a standalone Tomcat server (using newest Tomcat 7), it throws the following

Maven not found in Jenkins

I am running my Maven/Spring project in Jenkins (just testing it out, first time) using the shell script option with: mvn spring-boot:run I get the build error: /Users/Shared/Jenkins/tmp/ line 2: mvn: command not found How can I fix this? Its a Spring-boot app. It works fine when I run mvn spring-boot:run via command line. Answer Try this, Navigate to Manage

Running sonar analysis with mvn sonar:sonar ignores

Latest 3.3 sonar-maven-plugin and 5.6 LTS as web server. Running sonar analysis with mvn sonar:sonar ( Scanner for Maven ) ignores file. (with many parameters Is it that the expected behavior? So do I have to configure all sonar parameters within pom.xml files? Answer Other way would be to configure reading via Maven Properties Plugin Q&A

xml-apis JAR file necessary?

I’m using a (Maven) dependency which itself depends on xml-apis. Unfortunately, the presence of this package now causes conflicts in our OSGi environment (see below in case it should be relevant). Looking at the JAR content, I find classes which seem to be present in a current JRE anyways. So, my question: Is it safe to exclude this dependency? In

Change Spring boot folder structure for source code and resources

How can I change the path where spring boot is looking for the source code and resources. I want to move from src/main to src/server/main. In pom I put: Error: Could not find or load main class ema.Application Answer Here is a sample build section of a POM that can be used to configure the directories. Below Sample:

Maven doesn’t run my testng.xml

When i’m running through testng.xml (right click on testng.xml, then run as TestNG) it works fine – 2 of the tests i have there are running, but when i’m running it from Maven (mvn test) it just perform build and doesn’t run the tests. BTW – i noticed that if i have classes with the word Test in them they

Spring boot app terminated at startup

I have created a spring boot project using spring initilizer. I use spring-boot-cli version v1.5.3.RELEASE. I just try to run: But my server won’t stay running, it is closing automatically. On port 8080 I have no other connection: LATER EDIT: Still not working. EDIT: here is the pom file: Answer I added in the pom file a tomcat dependency and
