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Tag: maven

Add prefix or suffix to the GET,PUT,POST,DELETE mappings in controller at method level using custom annotation – Spring REST Controller

I am trying to add a prefix or suffix in the controller at the method level on top of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE mappings. Controller class So, basically, the above request URL should be something like : http://localhost:8080/something/some/path/ Now, I just want to add some prefix or suffix whatever is feasible to the request URL which will be something like

Adding external jar dependency in JAR file

Backgorund : I am trying to add UserStorageSPI for my legacy application, so that we can use existing user credentials to log in. I have followed this tutorial, and the full source code for the sample application is available here. This application is storing plaintext passwords and compares them directly. However, my legacy database stores the passwords in an encrypted

Maven install failed: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth cancel

I try to deploy to my work VDS. I have bad error and don`t know how solve it. I can’t figure out what the problem is. Through the terminal, the connection via the SSH protocol is stable Answer Most likely, this error occurs due to a passphrase or a non-default name of the SSH key. Try changing the private and

How to configure timezone in Maven so Pitest picks it up

I try to apply Pitest to an older project that relies on timezone settings. Some tests are specifically for daylight-saving issues, when certain days in a year have more or less than 24 hours in local time. I cannot change the code or the tests. These tests fail with Pitest but run fine otherwise. From what I see, JUnit/Surefire takes

Maven install fails with type=pom dependency

I’m updating a maven dependency tika-parsers from v1.14 to v2.4.0. Changing the version alone causes maven to fail to find the jar: Could not resolve dependencies for project samm:samm:war:2.0.0: Could not find artifact org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:jar:2.4.0 in central ( Since mvnrepository reports that v2 now needs to have <type>pom</type>, I added that in and while the jar error goes away, my code
