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Tag: maven

Mvn is not recognized as a command on Github Actions on Windows a self hosted runner

I set up a simple Github Actions workflow simply to check if my self-hosted Windows Virtual Machine is able to recognize the installed java/git/maven versions. Versions in the Virtual Machine: Microsoft Windows 64 bit Java version: jdk1.8.0_202 Maven version: 3.8.5 Java and Git are correctly recognized however the step checking for maven version fails: it fails with the following log:

use wsdl file from another maven submodule to generate java files

I am working on a project with separate sub modules for backend and frontend and some other sub modules too. Currently, both these modules have their own copies of wsdl files and generate java files using maven plugin. I want a single copy of the wsdl files so want to create a maven submodule with these wsdl files. I want

Spring Boot: Cannot load configuration class

I am currently creating my first Spring Boot application. Unfortunately, I get an error right at the beginning that I can’t understand. POM Only some rudimentary dependencies are defined here. Java 8 and Spring Boot 2.0.1 are to be used. App Here the application is defined as a SpringBoot application. The autoconfig should actually make everything work automatically. Console output

How to “require” module “gwt.user” On Java, JDK17, “”, Netbeans, Maven (Problem Continues)

one can say that, it is a continuation of question How to “require” module “gwt.user” On Java, JDK17, “”, Netbeans, Maven I am updating my old libraries with files. I have a COMPLEX project named “api-log” dependent on “gwt-user”. Just for using the class; pom.xml: With the below: When netbeans runs compile, it builds successfully: However, when

How to “require” module “gwt.user” On Java, JDK17, “”, Netbeans, Maven

I am trying to keep up with the new changes in Java, one step a time. I am updating my old libraries with files. I have a very simple project named “api-clone” dependent on “gwt-user”. pom.xml: With the below: When netbeans runs compile, it builds successfully: However, when I look at the file, Netbeans show error: Is

Cannot invoke “” because “this.hotelsLink” is null Maven

I try to do some tests using Selenium, but I can’t test what I do Error: SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder”. SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. Starting ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.41 (93c720db8323b3ec10d056025ab95c23a31997c9-refs/branch-heads/4951@{#904}) on port 38072 Only local connections are allowed. Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe. ChromeDriver was
