I am using Cucumber framework for mobile app testing. In pom.xml, I have given this below plugin to run TestClass.java – which has code for uploading the latest APK version of the app. Main method is present inside this TestClass. I need this to run before the actual test execution. So I have used exec plugin. I’m getting this error
Tag: maven
Need jar for WebLogic exporter “https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-monitoring-exporter#Configuration”
Can you please help me to get the jar file for WebLogic exporter “https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-monitoring-exporter#Configuration” . I am new to java packaging and tried many times with maven install command it is giving plugin missing error. Can you please help me with the jar file or steps Compile with java 7 or above Error Answer I was able to fix this
gitlab CI/CD with maven doesn’t setup environment variables in application.properties
I am trying to build CI/CD pipeline with maven. Problem that I meet is that in application.properties I set variables like that: and I cannot setup them it gitlab. Every time if gitlab will build package all time I cannot run it because connection string is wrong I get error: “The connection string is invalid. Connection strings must start with
oracle-maven-sync plugin (v14.1.1) error while deploying web application: ‘deploy’ goal not found
I am using following plugin to deploy my web application to weblogic 14c with maven (3.6.3): while executing the goal, maven is giving the below error: [ERROR] Could not find goal ‘deploy’ in plugin com.oracle.maven:oracle-maven-sync:14.1.1-0-0 among available goals help, push -> [Help 1] Eclipse also giving the below warning for the pom file having plugin configuration: Invalid goal for this
Spring boot maven plugin: mvn clean package does not layered jar file automatically
I got trouble with spring-boot-maven-plugin build process. I just want to build excutable “layered” jar file for optimizing docker image. As document said this build process will produce layered jar by default https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/maven-plugin/reference/htmlsingle/. Here is apart of my pom.xml file I used spring boot 2.5.5, maven 3.6.3 Some steps produce: mvn clean package jar -tf target/[excutableJarFile].jar This filesystem of excutableJarFile
Why does JUnit platform error appear when running a single test?
An error is thrown when running a single test: Failed to resolve org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher:1.7.0 The test is launched by clicking on the button in the form of a green triangle next to the name of the method. But if you run testing of the whole project through maven (lifecycle -> test), then such an error is not visible, and all tests
Cannot resolve symbol, but the dependency is in local repo
I’ve been reading all similar problems with maven but I cannot seem to be able to fix it. The issue is the classic “Cannot resolve symbol ‘pippo'”, in which case pippo is part of import com.pippo.device.manager.data.model.Device; This class Device comes from this artifact that I have in my local repo Evidence that it is in the local repository and evidence
Setting up Selenium correctly
I have been trying to install Selenium for about a day now, and I canĀ“t get it to work. First, I just downloaded the standalone jar and added it as a user library. That did work out fine, until I wanted to use org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver. Apparently, this library is not included in the jar. So I downloaded the jar file for
Personal computer failed to access maven central
I have a PC that installed with gaming app like Steam or GOG but in Windows config there is no proxy and no firewall other than default ones from the OS. I have NordVPN but currently disconnected. However after installed maven 3.8.2, all mvn goal failed that can’t access maven central threw following error Anyone has experience to troubleshooting such
Correctly migrating from JDK-8 to JDK-11 for JAX-WS libraries
I am developing a couple of integrations (as Maven projects) between several defect management systems, one of which exposes services through WSDL, forcing me to consume them through WS. For the latter I succesfully developed the code for JDK-8 and everything works. I am now in the middle of JDK migration from 8 to 11 and need to update the