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Tag: mapstruct

MapStruct dependency scope in a Maven project

MapStruct generates code at compile-time and it should not require any runtime dependencies: How is MapStruct different from other bean mapping tools? Unlike most other bean mapping tools, MapStruct doesn’t work at runtime but is a compile-time code generator. Generating mapping code at build time has many advantages: Excellent performance, as no reflection or byte code generation at runtime is

Use another MapStruct mapper only inside an expression clause

I have a mapper that, for a particular attribute of the target class, needs to choose one from a list of objects inside the source object, and map it using a differente mapper class. Simplifying it a lot, the Game class contains a list of Transaction objects, and my GameMapper class looks like this: The thing is, EventMapper gets generated

Can I extend MapStruct methods?

I’m developing a library and I expect the library to have a mapper like so: Which is meant for internal remapping. Now, I’d like to add a feature where the user can “override” this method, in the sense that they could for example add a statement to ignore the password of the account, while also calling the internal methods. Few

Spring Boot Mapstruct not woking mapping

My Dto model My main model My mapstruct class Hi everyone my project using mapstruct but my dto class user_id not mapping user please help me Thanks Answer This should solve the problem: Because you’re wanting to map user_id from CoverLetterDto to the User class in CoverLetter, you have to use dot notation to access the user_id field in the

MapStruct Java: property to list

Shortly, I’d like to move this code inside a mapstruct mapper: I’d like to have: Details My source class: where Results is: And ResultType: My Service class is getting a ResultSetType object from my Repository: I need to map resultSetType to List<Provincia>. So, I need to map resultSetType.results.result to List<Provincia>. First of all, I’ve created a mapper in order to

MapStruct mapper based on type

Consider the following simplified structure (that has both a DO and a DTO for each): For both I have a mapper that does the mapping between the DO and DTO, However, I am facing a problem and don’t really know how to handle it. If for the MotherboardComponent in the list I have another MotherboardComponent, the resulting mapped object is

nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy not working

I have the following mapper The pokerRoomDto which is passed to it has a “phase” field which can be null. I want this field to be ignored when it is null. But right now the “null” value still gets mapped to the pokerRoom entity. If I just ignore the field in the mapper it works and the default value for
