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Tag: scope

MapStruct dependency scope in a Maven project

MapStruct generates code at compile-time and it should not require any runtime dependencies: How is MapStruct different from other bean mapping tools? Unlike most other bean mapping tools, MapStruct doesn’t work at runtime but is a compile-time code generator. Generating mapping code at build time has many advantages: Excellent performance, as no reflection or byte code generation at runtime is

java variable scope, variable might not have been initialized

I am studying java, I know Java variable scope, such as class level, method level, block level. However, when I try to practice the variable scope, I meet the error in my code. my code is as following: when I run this code, it display the error: the c variable might not have been initialized, but when I change my

Method scope inside Java switch statement

In a rather loose way this question follows on from my previous one. The context here is building Android APKs with Phonegap CLI configured, via build-extras.gradle to use Java 7. Here is my code I am having some difficulty understanding two issues here As far as I can tell even without that last return I have defined a clear path

Eclipse IDE Scope Highlighting?

When I first learned Java, I was using an IDE called “BlueJ.” It had this feature called “Scope Highlighting” which made it very easy to read blocks of code. Now I’ve moved on from BlueJ and began using Eclipse. I’m currently in the process of customizing Eclipse to my liking and would like this Scope Highlighting feature inside Eclipse. I’ve

Scope of do-while loop?

In Java, the body of a do-while loop and the loop condition do not belong to the same scope. So the following code won’t compile: But this code does make sense to me. Also, I cannot find any pitfalls if the body and the condition are in the same scope; since the body will always get executed, and Java does
