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Tag: lombok

Build an object from an existing one using lombok

Lets say I have a lombok annotated class like I know I can do: Is there an easy way to create an object of Foo using the existing object as a template and changing one of it’s properties? Something like: I can’t find this in the lombok documentation. Answer You can use the toBuilder parameter to give your instances a

Initialize list if list is null with lombok getter?

I am currently replacing all my standard POJO’s to use Lombok for all the boilerplate code. I find myself keeping getters for lists because I want to return an empty list if the list has not been initialized. That is, I don’t want the getter to return null. If there some lombok magic that I’m not aware of that can

Lombok: RequiredArgsConstructor is not working

It seems that @RequiredArgsConstructor not working in the code below. Why is it? I get the error: For some reason seems it does work for other domain class in which no constructor defined but instead used the @RequiredArgsConstructor annotation. Answer According to Documentation, Required arguments are final fields and fields with constraints such as @NonNull. You need to make username

Lombok not compiling in maven

I am trying to compile my project that uses lombok through maven and i am getting the following issue: Where the first error type is for the fields in this class: and the second error is when a class tries to access getters from lombok classes My maven pom.xml has the following in it: Answer I don’t know why but

Lombok @Builder not initializing collections

I am using Lombok’s @Data and @Builder annotations like this: When I create a new Movie using the builder, without specifying any actors, I would expect Lombok to initialize my List to Collections.emptyList(). But this does not happen: In the documentation for the @Builder annotation, it is stated at line 55 and 56 in the code-example for Vanilla Java (
