I have a project running Java in a docker image on Kubernetes. Logs are automatically ingested by the fluentd agent and end up in Stackdriver. However, the format of the logs is wrong: Multiline logs get put into separate log lines in Stackdriver, and all logs have “INFO” log level, even though they are really warning, or error. I have
Tag: logback
Logback conversion rule parametrizing
Is there any way of parametrizing conversion rule in Logback? I’ve tried adding child nodes, additional attributes and I don’t see a way to do it. I would like to add parameter that will be used by LongMessageConverter class. My application is setup on Spring Boot and I am using Sl4J. Answer This is more a question around Logback than
spring-boot – turn off console logging
Want to configure a spring-boot (1.3.5) application to send log-output only to a file — turn off the console. It looks very easy, according to the docs: howto-logging.html — section § 72.1.1 Configure logback for file only output But I just cannot get this to work — it still logs both to file and console, whatever I try. Been googling
Externalizing the location of logback.xml in Spring Boot using application.properties
How can I customize the location of logback.xml in Spring Boot using application.properties? I tried below but is not working. application.properties It is working if the logback.xml is located in the resource folder, but not working if it is located outside the project. It is also working if the I supply as an environment variable like Answer Below construct worked
How to change root logging level programmatically for logback
I have the following logback.xml file: Now, upon the occurrence of a specific event, I want to programmatically change the level of the root logger from debug to error. I can’t use variable substitution, it is mandatory that I do this within the code. How can it be done ? Thanks. Answer Try this: Note that you can also tell