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Tag: logback

Logback conversion rule parametrizing

Is there any way of parametrizing conversion rule in Logback? I’ve tried adding child nodes, additional attributes and I don’t see a way to do it. I would like to add parameter that will be used by LongMessageConverter class. My application is setup on Spring Boot and I am using Sl4J. Answer This is more a question around Logback than

spring-boot – turn off console logging

Want to configure a spring-boot (1.3.5) application to send log-output only to a file — turn off the console. It looks very easy, according to the docs: howto-logging.html — section § 72.1.1 Configure logback for file only output But I just cannot get this to work — it still logs both to file and console, whatever I try. Been googling

How to change root logging level programmatically for logback

I have the following logback.xml file: Now, upon the occurrence of a specific event, I want to programmatically change the level of the root logger from debug to error. I can’t use variable substitution, it is mandatory that I do this within the code. How can it be done ? Thanks. Answer Try this: Note that you can also tell
