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Tag: log4j2

log4j custom appender stop method not getting called

I am trying to implement a custom log appender for log4j and will need to initialize some resources before start and cleanup at the end. Somehow my stop method will not be executed. I’ve tried using LogManager.shutdown(); but I cannot see my method getting called. This is my appender class: And this is a simple test I can see the

Log4j2 customize file path with rollingFileAppender (Java)

I am migrating from log4j 1.x to log4j2 in my spring boot application. Being on log4j 1.x I used to define the properties as follows: in my CustomRollingFileAppender I would extend this class with the DailyRollingFileAppender, and would override the setName() method to change my ‘<base.path>’ to the relevant directory name. Migrating to log4j 2.x I no longer have the

Why Log4j2 doesn’t write logs to a file?

This is my configuration log4j2.xml with path to file – src/com/tarasiuk/task_01/log/dataLogger.log: Structure of my project: What I do: change path to log file from src/com/tarasiuk/task_01/log/dataLogger.log to com/tarasiuk/task_01/log/dataLogger.log – no result. change level in <Logger> from debug to info – no result. Logs are output to the console – that ok. But why Log4j2 doesn’t write logs to a file? Answer

Spring boot with log4j2. Configure log4j2 Spring-lookup

According to log4j2 documentation: The Spring Boot Lookup retrieves the values of Spring properties from the Spring configuration. This Lookup will return null values until Spring Boot initializes application logging. This Lookup requires log4j-spring-cloud-config-client be included in the application. What is the proper way to configure such a lookup? I tried to assemble the following application: build.gradle main application.yml log4j-spring.xml

Why is Log4j2 not logging inside Spring Boot Application?

I’m trying to use spring boot starter and spring boot starter web. So far I’ve got what I think is a pretty simple set up. I can see that the application is obviously finding and using the log4j2-spring.xml file so my question is why doesn’t anything from the MyRunner class log via log4j2? It does execute and the System.out.println() statements

Disable logging from log4j 2 library, how?

I’m using log4j 2 for logging and want to turn off the log messages from the library itself, e.g.: I got the following in my log4j2.XML file but I still get DEBUG messages like the one above: This question is not a duplicate of Disabling Log4J Output in Java because I don’t want to turn off all output, only the
