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Tag: log4j2

log4j2 double dollar $$ sign meaning in configuration

I am reading the configuration part of Log4j2. What is the meaning of double $$ sign? e.g. $${sd:type}? Answer It seems that $ is used as an escape character. As stated in Log4J documentation, Log4j configuration file parser uses Apache Commons Lang’s StrSubstitutor, and this documentation for StrSubstitutor says: The other possibility is to use the escape character, by

Apache Log4j2 package specific logging using log4j2.xml

I am using log4j2. But the problem that I am facing is that it logs all logs. I want to … log from specific package to a specific file & other package to another file. I am using log4j2.xml for configuration. Please can someone help? log4j2.xml Answer Just answered the question. log4j2.xml Removed the <AppenderRef level=”DEBUG” ref=”fileAppender” /> from root

logger usage, is parameterization better or using + to add arguments?

Which of the following is a better usage of logger? Parametrize (log4j 2) Using + operator (log4j) And why? Answer Even if there were nothing else, the additional StringBuilder shenanigans that happen when using + would make using parameters the obvious choice. Not to mention that when concatenating the values, the toString() method of all the parameters will be called

Migrating from log4j to log4j2 – properties file configuration

I have a Java application which is using log4j configured as below. I would like to migrate to log4j2 with the same configuration as above. Haven’t found anything related to log4j2 properties configuration file as this support recently included. How would be my file with the same configuration above ? Answer Here is what I constructed after going

DailyRollingFileAppender alternative in Log4j 2x

DailyRollingFileAppender was removed in Log4j 2x. What should be used instead? Answer Use a RollingFile 1 with TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy 2. e.g.: See more in Apache Log4j 2 User’s Guide [PDF]. Notes org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.RollingFileAppender org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy

Lazy way to convert log4j.xml to log4j2.xml [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Is there a easy/lazy way (e.g a shell script etc) to

how to log only one level with log4j2?

I’m using log4j2 in my application. What I want is everything up to ‘debug’ to go to console, everything up to ‘info’ to go to myapp.log, and ONLY ‘info’ to go to ‘myapp-audit.log’. The reason is, INFO mostly consists of successful modifications to data (ex. ‘user created’, ‘user updated’, ‘user deleted’, and so on). If is effectively an audit log

Wildcard pattern for RoutingAppender of Log4j2

I am trying to use the new RoutingAppender of Log4j2 to route the different logs based on the MDC (ThreadContext in Log4j2). What I want to do is the following: If MDC map has $contextId -> Append to $contextId appender (specific log) If MDC does not have $contextId -> Append to main appender (general log) I want to achieve this
