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Tag: kotlin

How to add a KDoc comment for the receiver of a Kotlin extension function (first parameter in Java, `this` in Kotlin)

Consider this non-extension function: When I use this function in kotlin and java, I can see its parameter name: expression. I could also write this same functionality as an extension function: When I write it as an extension function in this manner, the parameter name of the Boolean that it is called on (the this variable within the function, AKA

shared image file in Kotlin android studio

I have an application in which I try to share a photo, but when you share the application it crashes. log: Answer The exception raised is FileUriExposedException is caused by The exception that is thrown when an application exposes a file:// Uri to another app. When targeting Api 24 or higher you need to use a content provider to share

Android Paging Library: How to intelligently switch Between online and offline data?

I am following this tutorial by Raywenderlich on paging-library-for-android-with-kotlin on how to use android paging library. This is one of the easiest tutorials on the net and I have followed it thoroughly. However, I would like to make some changes so that I can intelligently switch between online data and offline data. That is, I have old some posts in

Cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method (Dagger 2 in Android Kotlin)

searched on many sites and in various articles, but without effect, so I ask for your help with Dagger 2 (DI) I can not understand what the problem is I’m new to Dagger 2 (Di) and I’m just studying it, please help me understand My code: MainActivity.kt App.kt ServiceBuild.kt NetworkService.kt AppNetworkModule.kt AppComponent.kt Build error Answer Change your code ServiceBuild to
