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Tag: jvm

Set the heap size of java with Garbage collection enabled

I am running JVM in a ubuntu ec2 instance which runs only solr and nothing else. Now I wanna configure the Heap size of the JVM which is running. The problem is I am not using Sun Jdk I am using the following versions and settings How do I reset the heap size to my requirements.Also I want to enable

About VM arguments

Am I right in thinking that when one specifies VM arguments in an IDE (I’m using NetBeans in this instance), that these arguments are only passed when the code is run through the IDE itself? Essentially, I’d like to specify that when my program runs, the VM’s minimum/initial heap size is 2Gb. I can do this using the -Xms2048m command,

System stack allocation in recursion

As we all know that all most all recursive functions can be modified to iterative approach. Suppose we take an example of adding two linklists which represent two huge numbers. This question can be solved either by recursion (which uses system stack) or iterative (explicit stack usage) approach. My doubt here is if i have given jvm heap size as

EXE4j Jar to exe error

I’m recently Java 7 update 21 JDK and i created java application with netbeans For distributing my jar i use Exe4j 4.5.2 Jar to exe. Now when i used Exe4j it creates exe but when i execute it it shows me error message. “The JVM could not be started. The maximum heap size (-Xmx) might be too large or an

Volatile Keyword & the thread local memory [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 10 years ago.

Measuring time spent on GC

Suppose I am testing a Java server application. I know how much time it takes to finish the test. Now I’d like to know how much was spent on GC during that test. How can I do it? Answer The simplest way is to use the -Xloggc and -XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps options when starting up your JVM. I think it prints out

Why are reference types stored in heap

I do know that in Java, (perhaps in .net too) , primitives are stored on stacks , where as reference types are stored on heaps. My question was that I do not understand the proc/cons for this behavior. Why can’t we reference a memory location inside our stacks instead? . I couldn’t find a proper explanation as I googled (
